First off, some shots of the greenhouse, and one of a sunset showing the mountains of Africa (dark gray at the horizon):
Africa. Regretfully the picture doesn't do it justice.

The front of the Greenhouse:

The back of the greenhouse. *sigh*

The inside.

Ain't it pretty?
So I feel and look like I worked at a junkyard for the last couple of days. Yep. Black hands an and a black smudge on my face. I’ve been working with old metal and dirt, so it really isn’t all that surprising. Since yesterday morning, I decided that it was time to tackle the huge pile of scrap metal that we’d been storing (and I use that term very loosely) behind my cabin, and put it somewhere else.
This meant hauling in pallets and wooden slats so we could build several containers that would contain it all. Big brother and I started on that, and by the time Grandpa joined it, I and our friend Dani started sorting through the mess that has been in a thorn in our eyes for the past couple of years, or so.
It took a sum total of 10 hours, two days combined, but the mess behind my cabin is gone, and neat piles are now stacked behind the old RV at the top of the property. While the majority of the metal could be brought up and stacked easily, I spent this morning and afternoon using the angle grinder to get off excess metal from a large number of slats.
During the sorting, most turned out to be useable still, which is good. That means that we didn’t gather the stuff for nothing. There’ll be lots of building yet for sure with all that stuff. Hah.
Well, I am of course doing this in a jumbled fashion again, because I started the day making tomato soup for lunch. I had tenant help too, and she seemed to enjoy it again. In particular since she could do both herbs and peppers. What with the fresh tomatoes I’d frozen from the yard this summer it was healthy stuff at the very least. Added to that, we’ll be eating it again tomorrow…good thing too, since we have to work tomorrow. It was a bank holiday today, meaning that everything was postponed for a day.
After making soup, I really gave in to the inevitable and went to my cabin to finally tackle the piles and piles of clean laundry littering my desk and traveling-chest. There was so much of it out of the closet that there was actually space on the shelves. Still, since I was busy with it anyway, I also sorted out my summer clothes, bagged them up and put them in storage under my bed…if only because I was desperate to put my winter sweaters somewhere. I’d been looking for them for weeks now, and finally unearthed them this morning, yay.
I’m so going to need those. Hah
Something totally different for a minute.
This is what my dogs do in the evenings when I'm working on the computer like this. Aren't they friggin' adorable? And do you get the living carpet reference now? *snort*

Troubling news, which I read on the news somewhere here in Europe. The Netherlands, I believe. Some older politician “suggested” that Jewish people should consider immigrating to a different country (for their own safety, of course) because the Moroccan, and gawd knows what other demographic group, were getting more an more violent towards them. Soon it would simply not be safe anymore. Now, does that ring any bells with anyone? Seriously, Grandpa started foaming at the mouth, saying that it’s WWII all over again. And I gotta say: Yikes. Scary stuff that. Seriously, soon they’ll start offering free passage to “the promised land” again and no one is going to do a single thing against it until it is too late.
It is one of the problems with the passage of time, I’m thinking. The older generation, the one that still remembered those that fell for the freedom of Europe during WWII, is slowly becoming extinct. Soon there won’t be anyone left to remember the horrors that happened…even now there are schools scraping the Holocaust from history lessons, because it makes certain students become violent. Yep. A few years from now, WWII will be nothing but something-that-happened-too-long-ago.
What scares me more is that it seems that we don’t learn from history at all, no matter how civilized we claim to be.
Ah well, don’t forget that I told you so when the shaite hits the fan, okay?
Let's throw in another View, just for the heck of it.

And since we're busy anyway. Tenant’s solarium…unpainted yet, but what the heck. Hah.

Tenant's solarium 2.

Oh gawd, almost forgot: The second edit is done by the way! YAY! It is good, I think. Really good for the genre, I think. The characters turned out right, and for as far as I can see the story is consistent. It’s going to go to beta readers now, and we’re going to have to do the paper edit yet, but then we really can start thinking about sending it to the publisher.
What else? Well there was loads of laundry, of course, that simply won’t dry because the weather is downright pissy, and the air moisture is nothing, if not sogging wet as well. Stuff I hung two days ago still feels moist to the touch, so let’s just hope for some sunshine (had only five minutes of that during the rainy day…here’s the shot, BTW.

Yesterday was also spent doing some more painting on the bus, along with filling more gaps. Here are some shots of that as well, seeing as I’m busy with it anyway. Hah.
Bus before painting.

Bus after painting. The back, duh.

Bus after painting the side.

Okay, kept my promise. Put up some pics, even though I am sure I forgot a few. I've spent enough time on the blog, however and I really should get down to the more serious work such as digging into the next editing project. I yearn to get back to the vampires and ghouls fast.
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