
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, January 28, 2011

Nothing much

Song of the day: “Under African skies” by Paul Simon. Ah, an oldie. It has been ages, really, and the Graceland album does bring back fond memories.

Well, I’m running way behind. I just came back from two trips getting concrete blocks for a future construction project, and I’m...blegh. I’m dirty with mud, I’m sore and I’m tired so I’m going to keep this as short as possible so I can do at least a bit of editing tonight.

The weather has been considerably better. Yesterday was downright beautiful (sunny most of it) which allowed for outside work beyond the cover of the carport. I painted the backs of big brother’s future cupboards. It was wonderful, in particular because big brother could head on out into daylight too, and sat most of the day worshipping the sun, hah.

Grandpa also managed to get his driver’s license extended for another two years, so yay. What with his age we were afraid that some a-hole might think it unwise and start making trouble. But it all went off without a hitch. Phew. One less thing to worry about in the near future, thankfully.

We also transferred Tika (eclectus parrot) to a temporary cage so I could clean and fix her permanent one. It is looking good now, the metal gleams and the read top and bottom gleam. With a little luck we can put her back in there come morning, or the day after.

Oh, we went down to the base of the house to confer about what needs to be done about the porch. We’re really going to have to put some speed behind that wall down there, because the porch is still gradually lilting outward, meaning that putting up fortifications is becoming essential. Definitely getting higher on the repair list.

Carla’s (cocker) cough is gone, and so is Gaucho’s (Afghan), so that tinture is working well. Such a relief too, considering the coughing was starting to really worry me.

There was the edit, but since things are pretty much going as usual in that regard I won’t bore you with that particular part of my day. We are getting the letter down pat for sending the book to a publisher, and it reads well. It will need some tweaking yet, I’m sure, but that essentials are there.

It was a late night yesterday, in particular since mom and our permanent guest needed some stuff from town we didn’t get as much of the edits done as I would like. It was enough though.

Today started dreary again, and most of it was spent with busywork. Taking stuff apart for recycling and storage, etc. etc. and then, when there was a momentary break in the cloud-cover (actual warm sun, thank you very much) big brother and I went down into the yard to plant the currant bushes of last week. The plants got adjusted to the temperatures this past week, and now the first batch went into the ground.
Considering they have to be protected against the dogs, we had to put fencing around it as well.

The entire yard was a big mud pool today, and I’ve gotta admit that I was a bit annoyed by it during the course of the morning. Luckily that gradually disappeared as I got busy and finally the sun broke through. Also put in the small apple tree...even though it took me a moment to locate a good spot.

Then there was the concrete slab hauling tonight, and a chilly breeze that picked up. But I took Knight II along, so at least he got some exercise...which brings me to now, when I’m way too late and should be working on the book. I know, I know. Whiner! That’s me. Okay. Getting outta here. Hope for a nice dream the next time, because this was downright boring, wasn’t it?

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