
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Blank much? Yep.

Song of the day: “Crawling” by Linkin Park. Weird, huh? I was thinking about the song yesterday, and that I hadn’t heard it in ages, so I looked it up on youtube and it’s been in my head every since…along with Eimear Quin’s “The voice”, which is a complete opposite, I fear.

So, so, so…lemme just gather my thoughts here, because as of this very moment I am blanking about the last couple of days. Oh yeah. The weather was pretty good. Cold, sure, but sunny at the very least. So what with the sun being out we spent the last couple of days in the basin and greenhouse. Seriously, my day (today and yesterday) were spent in “the pit” so to speak, stuccoing the wall twice. It went well, so I’m not complaining. There was some sun during the process, keeping me from freezing.

Tenant spent yesterday there with us, but today she was too tired and stayed on my porch instead because the temperature was pleasant there, and she didn’t want to go through the hassle (her words) of going all the way down.

Other stuff that has been going on…hmmm.
OMG, I found a book in the recycle bin, and I couldn’t resist. It was a Jayne Ann Krentz after all, and since she is one of my favorite authors and I don’t know the story yet (Sharp Edges) I almost dove into the bin and took it home with me.

Can you tell that I am missing my book-buying-budget? I can, and it ain’t pretty. I wonder how deep I’ll stoop for a good book. Seriously, the thing is tattered, dirty and it smells a little, but I’m having a blast with it. Hah.

Where was I? Oh yes. We worked on the basin walls, and yesterday big brother finished the natural rock stairs leading up from the greenhouse. It is beautiful, I assure you, and it worked out perfectly. All the steps are of similar height and the platform at the top is flat as a dime. Seriously, it might be the best stairs yet.

While big brother worked on a second plant container inside the greenhouse, I finished the wall in the basin and went down to start on the lazy stairs underneath the lowest gate of the yard. What with our friend basically living in the old pool quarters, and the fact that she already went flying face first into the beets over there, I figured I better get to it fast. Worked out splendidly too. I was going for a ruin like appearance and it came true. It looks wonderfully old in fact.

The dogs didn’t like this particular chore, by the way, considering I had to keep the gate open, but had to keep them at bay at the same time, got them rather frustrated. Seriously, Knight II was dancing right in front of me, nose half an inch from mine the whole time, while Amri lay at a slight distance, balefully watching the show.
The rest just barged through, because let’s be honest, you can’t be away from the boss when the gate is right open, right? Hah.

There was laundry, cooking and chores, of course, but who gives a rat’s behind about that, eh? Edits have been going steadily. A.I.L. last (paper) edit is at about a quarter, and the letter is basically done as well. Soon we’ll see how this particular is going to work with the publishers.

Dog-wise: Touri has an ear infection again. I did some research on the matter, and soon I’m going to try that out…that is, if I can manage catching the little runt. He really doesn’t like for anyone to touch his ears.

Well, I’m sore, I need a shower, food and then there is more work to be done, (luckily I like to work eh?) so I better get to it. I would like to get to bed at a decent hour tonight.

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