Don’t mind me, I’m in a rush again, and the past couple of days have been so friggin’ busy that I barely have had time to ponder what would be remotely fun to write about. So we’re going to stick with the usual, meaning that I’ll make a quick recount. Hah.
Oh, I did have a rather exciting dream the other day, but right now I don’t have time to write about it. It was a hot pursuit kind of thing, which is…well awesome. Maybe…no. Not now.
Okay, yesterday. No work day for the papers (I’m starting to get the feeling that the job is non-existent, and that, for some reason, I have not been informed of it. Weird) so we could do some real work at home. Hah. Yep, been pretty darn busy. While big brother tackled the planters by the greenhouse, we’ve got three now, I started on the stairs that lead down into the yard.
Gawd, my second attempt at making stairs and it is going rather splendidly if I do say so myself. In the past I always sucked at it (it is so very hard to get the steps straight and everything) but I thought what the heck, I’ll just learn it the hard way. Hah. So after that first practice round under the little gate, I got to it. Laid eleven steps down to the first veggie garden terrace, and after walking on them (repeatedly) today, they function rather well. Let’s see if I can get a picture up…
There you go.

Isn’t it gorgeous? I love the way it flows with the land. I can hardly wait to start with the next one, which will lead down the other side. Did I say that the plan is to have stairs all the way down (and up) the mountain? Well, it is, so I’ve got my practice worked out, don’t I. I can see the end result in my head and am more than a little curious if it will look that way.
Afterwards we had to take down a couple of eucalypti, which is not necessarily a bad thing, considering we’ll need a few for the Daewoo’s parking spot. Poor little zit can’t withstand the elements (there’s some leakage during heavy rains) so we’ll need to make it a cover. Much like a carport, only a little less civilized, since we don’t want to wreck the view. It would be such a shame if the beauty of the big trees gets destroyed.
Knight II almost got a falling tree on top of him, and looked at me reproachfully the rest of the evening. Seriously, he’s such a baby that way.
After that we headed out to get rocks for the future wall under the porch. Remember, the dratted floor is going down, so basically the wall is next on the list. Knight II is gradually gaining some guts in that regard and actually roamed a little while we loaded up. Who knows, within a few months I might actually need to start paying attention to him. In fact he started trailing the wild boar trail nearby. Hah.
There were edits, naturally. Still going steadily, and we’ve reached one third for real now. And I will get to it again tonight, of course.
I’m back to cleaning Touri’s ear. His infection is back, and he doesn’t like me at all at the moment. Ah well, what has to be done, has to be done.
There was pumpkin soup with bread, which is good. I have definitely come to love soup these days. Such an easy medium to fill your stomach. Not to mention tasty with bread to dip with.
Sleep was late in coming, (got distracted by other stuff) but what the heck. I can sleep when I’m dead.
Well it was another busy one. Little sister went to her job again and we went back down into the yard.
Tenant has developed a cough. No fun there, but we’re keeping track of it. I wish she liked a toddy, but since she doesn’t I’ll have to figure something else out. For now, she’s getting a thyme tincture and coughing syrup, along with teas and scented steam. Luckily, her spirits are relatively high and the aspirin to care of the most immediate problems of achy chest and the like.
She did insist on joining us downstairs, which I hadn’t expected. But apparently she didn’t feel as bad as I’d anticipated, since she preferred company.
The sun was out, so it was absolutely wonderful working outside, (both today and yesterday) sure the wind was extremely cool, but on both occasions I ended up working in only a short, sleeved T. Not surprisingly yesterday what with hauling huge stones and cement for the stairs, but today I worked fences.
Oh, didn’t I say? Our neighbor’s dog has been making a habit of riling our dogs up, so for safety measures we decided that it would be best for me to add another two feet to the fencing down below. This meant extending the existing poles, adding two more for safety reasons, and then putting the new piece of fencing up at a slight angle. Because, let’s face it, Sitabah is a disaster when it concerns fences and strange animals. I really don’t want to be the one to explain some sort of mishap. *sigh*
It was awesome working down there, by the way. There was the almost cloying scent of blooming almond trees, the budding “Common Broom” (I love their scent) and the wild thyme growing everywhere. I spent hours down there, the cool breeze drawing my eyes occasionally to the distant mountain where a steep roof of snow sparkled in the sun, and the trees whispering around me.
My dogs loved it just as much, considering they spent the majority of the day lounging in the high grass, and keeping track of me with only half an eye. Hah.
Once I was done with the fences, the raspberries (red and yellow ones) and brambles had to be planted, at which time big brother was done with the planters in the garden pit by the greenhouse and grandpa and I could start on cleaning in there.
If the weather holds, we might actually be able to paint the basin before the next rain. I’m keeping my fingers crossed on that one.
Didn’t finish cleaning up, but we made a dent in it before it was time to head out for another batch of rocks, letting Knight run a bit and then going inside for today’s blog. I did manage a shower this time, which was necessary, considering the activities. Hah.
Well, that’s about it. Time for me to wrap this up. I’ve got a book to finish after all.
Here’s a couple, just because.

Aren't they beauties. It's almost not real, right. Sonia, Chamea and Abacara. I just couldn't resist taking a picture.

And Knight II. Now do you get why I call him a moron? He doesn't have any pride, if you ask me. Look at the pose. He'll sleep that way, I tell ya. *sigh* No elegance whatsoever. Darn it.
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