
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, May 21, 2011

In the jungle, the mighty jungle

Song of the day: “The Lion Sleeps Tonight” by...Tight Fit. I know. I should go for the original version, but this is the one I know best, darn it.

Of course I have a slightly different version in my head, but what the hey.


AWimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
AWimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
AWimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
AWimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh

In the jungle, the mighty jungle
The Knight II sleeps tonight
In the jungle, the quiet jungle
The Knight II sleeps tonight

AWimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
AWimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
AWimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
AWimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh

Near the village, the peaceful village
The Knight II sleeps tonight
Near the village, the quiet village
The Knight II sleeps tonight

AWimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
AWimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
AWimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
AWimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh

Hush my darling, don't fear my darling
The Knight II sleeps tonight
Hush my darling, don't fear my darling
The Knight II sleeps tonight

AWimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
AWimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
AWimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh
AWimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh, wimoweh


What can I say, we were working in the yard (aka the jungle, duh) this morning and, boy, the vines have been rampant this past year...or better yet, this spring. Seriously, we worked for a steady hour, and got three, maybe four trees and bushes liberated from both the purple flower vine (I am still too lazy to look the species up) and the passion flower vine. It was a little daunting at times, I’ll admit, tangling with the thorny bougainvillea, yanking out strangling vines from the Oleander, but we persevered and found our way out of the jungle, once more.

Seriously, though, what were we thinking putting in so many vines?...oh wait, I remember now. It was near desert here way back when. Boy, did we take care of that particular problem. Hah. On the overall everything is looking pretty darn good. At least something (the wild) has been enjoying the wet, cloudy weather this past week or so. I swear if it weren’t for the sun breaking through every now and then in the late afternoons, I would have gone completely bonkers.
According to the weather channels, things aren’t going to get much better either. In fact, according to them we’re going to have a pretty cool may of low eighty temperatures.

Not to shabby, since that will definitely save water costs this summer, but I do have to admit that I am a complete whiner when it concerns crappy weather (in case you hadn’t noticed that bit after all my whining, hah) and have had it with winter. Grrr.

Okay, so last night I did make use of what is still pretty cool weather, and headed out into the carport for a good kick boxing exercise. I pounded and kicked the bag until I forgot all about the crappy-weather-blues and could properly pass out (way too late again) afterwards. *sigh* It was wonderful as usual, even though I don’t think I was as passionate at it as I usually am.

There was some cooking involved yesterday. The red cabbages are done, so we’re going to have to eat a lot of that in the near future (darn it, right?). It worked out rather well, I have to admit. Seriously, the way I prepared it the dish was almost as nice as red beets with melted cheese...okay, almost being the key word, because let’s face it, red beets with melted cheese are my absolute favorites. Hah. But it was good anyway, even though I had of course slept too little and was so friggin tired afterward that I just had to do a little nap, or else be not worth anything during computer work.

Nap was nice, in particular since we had an early day to town. First of all our new insurance papers arrived, which meant that we had to go there, pay for the year, and sign some papers. Before that we had to go to the bank to cancel our other car insurance, which is always a pain but worth the effort since we’re going to be saving twenty bucks a month with this new insurance. Yay.

There was of course a short foray into a supermarket, to get those few odds and ends that you need to get fresh every now and then, but then we could (much to my pleasure) head back home to get back to the normal routine.

Right now we’re on the terrace by the basin, and though there are some clouds, it is so wonderful that tenant even came down. So funny to see how the occasional escape dog will rush towards her for a friendly greeting before they admit to sneaking through the gate (when they know they’re not allowed in this section of the yard) and arrogantly trot back. I’ve got to say that it is charming to see how gentle they are with her (tenant, that is), in particular because I sometimes feared that they would just bowl over her. The don’t. Sure, sometimes thy will try to crawl in her lap, or eat her food, but other than that they appear to understand that she is not for roughhousing.

Starting a new writing project is coming closer every single day, and I do have to admit that my fingers are itching to dig in. I still haven’t decided on what I’m going to do, though. I know that I am aiming for romance (duh, I do always admit to being addicted to romance) but there are several options.

First there is Vintage Love, which definitely has its plus sides. The characters are already pretty solid in my head and the story, though suspense, is relatively simple.
Then there is Fairy Secretary, which should be downright hilarious to write...if less challenging.
Also the sci-fi I’m thinking about, which is the exact opposite, since it will be a total pain to get down, and maybe not even romance, come to think of it. Hmmm.
Lastly there is (well, not lastly since there are way, waaay more projects to finish, but what the hey) “Feet first”, which should be a fun romance to write since it is a sequel to “Accidentally In Love”. Seriously, it could be fun but...ah well, I guess I’m going to have to wait and see until I know what I want.

Yesterday afternoon (after that short nap and working on the computer) we headed down the yard to work on the preparations for the wall. There was more of the old wall to break down, some digging, and spraying clean the rocks that we took out. From the look of things there should be enough space to build the wall behind the stairs now, after which we can start on the new septic tank wall that will be right beside it. There will be lots of compost from this area that we’re going to be able to us in the yard, so grandpa and big brother made a portioned off section on the main path where we’re going to dump the stuff for later use. And man, that is some good shaite there (literally), teaming with rain worms and all sorts of other stuff that is way too alive for my jumpy nature. Hah.

Labhana has been particularly demanding these past few weeks. Either she is missing Mosha and Touri pretty badly, or she just figures that now they’re gone she can get a bit more attention on the overall. I gotta admit that Mosha was a demanding sweetie, who would nose in whenever one of the other dogs was trying to get some loving. *sigh* I do still miss her, though. In particular at night when I was so very used to her crawling on top of my chest, so she could snuggle her snout into my neck and get some quality time. Darn it. I gotta stop thinking about this.

Well, I’ve got more to today...most of it in the yard, which is like totally Yay! But before that, I want to do some more writing stuff. Gotta get this in-between-project done before the new project becomes too demanding and starts eating at my brain.
Gotta go.

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