
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Back and forth, over and over

Song of the day: “Never no more” by Patsy Cline, again. *sigh*

Right. The past couple of days.

I did manage to get a bit of writing done. Not a lot mind you, but I’ve got a fun total of twenty-five pages. Yay. Got another dialogue going. This one a little more relaxed, mostly about cars, seeing as the majority of the story plays out in a garage. Hah. Who’d have thought I’d end up writing about a mechanic some day. Let’s hope I don’t mess it up, eh?

Yesterday was a busy day. We had to rush through the morning rituals because we had an appointment in town to have the Daewoo’s AC fixed. Mom and the sibs really can’t handle the heat at the moment, so driving around without it just wasn’t possible. Regretfully we need to do the same for the Land Rover, whose AC ain’t working either. I’ve got to admit I don’t miss it at all, but then, having a non-functional one is silly too, so what the heck. It’s gotta be done one of these days.

Since it was going to take at least a day for the garage to put in the new compressor for the AC, check it and then fill it up with gas, we headed home immediately and headed out into the yard. Well, I did anyway. Big brother had to work on the metal ladder he’s making for the back of the Land Rover. Though I would love to help with that, welding is not my strong suit.

So anyway, while he did that, I headed into the yard to water the plants. Since we have full fields at the moment that would take about four hours, and since there was a decent harvest of zucchinis I took the opportunity to put on a big pan of zucchini soup in the outside kitchen. Hah. I kinda like the giving water bit, since it gives me several hours to write the old fashioned way. By hand! It does my good to do that, in particular because characters shape better in my head that way.

It was wonderfully hot yesterday...still is, in fact. Summer is finally here (knock on wood) and it’s showing itself with low to mid nineties temperatures. It takes some getting used to, but I like it anyway. The watering of the plants was hot, not to mention the going back and forth, and then up to the bungalow to help out tenant, who was (according to her) feeling lazy and stayed up in the horse paddock until mom came home with the puppy, (it had to go to the vet for its second round of shots) and helped her down to my terrace.

Once the yard was done, watering it all, binding up the rapidly growing tomato plants, harvesting some of them, taking out an onion or two and basically gathering what will be tomorrow’s meal. Hah. Getting a steady harvest of strawberries and tayberries now, along with a nice batch of peaches. We had supper of the soup with bread changed into something remotely clean and headed back to town to pick up the little car. Since we were in town anyway, we headed for the beach and the took the opportunity to do some swimming exercises. Didn’t go at all bad, even though the water was close to frigid. Hah.

But anyway, by the time we got home I was running on fumes, and more than happy to sit down with the computer for some writing.

Which brings us today, of course, which was once again a nicely summery day with a full glaring sun that made working outside extremely...interesting. Hah. But anyway, I started out with a dip in the pool, and laundry, naturally. Then it was out into the yard to check on the young transplants, my drying herbsies, and of course sneaking a taste or two of the tayberries, hah.

After that it was up the mountain again to help out tenant. Her caregiver is back to working elsewhere a few days a week, so I’m getting to spend a lot of time with her this week. It’s good, though. We get to practice her walk, and overall mobility.

The majority of today was spent cutting down the smaller branches of the dead mimosa on the square. It took some doing, but now only a man-sized stump is left, allowing us to work on the new plan for the terrace in front of my cabin.

What with the mimosa gone, it is in the full blare of sunlight there on the terrace, so the new plan involves installing three pillars of wood with wires criss-crossing towards my cabin and the carport. Then, in the next few months, and years, the vine that grows up from the courtyard garden will be able to cover the entire terrace, providing us with shade in the summer, and sunshine in the winter, because, thankfully, this one is a vine that loses all leafs in winter. Yay.
I think it will look rather well once we’re done. Of course I damaged another body part during the procedure. I was sawing through a bolt and then didn’t pay attention for a full second, meaning I was through the metal to fast, lost counterweight and went right past the vise, missing it by a hair. Regretfully my nail didn’t miss it, because it folded double and I was dancing around trying (and failing) not to swear, and keeping lunch in. *sigh* Stupid.

Lastly there’s this nice little story about Knight II and Chaos, who are going through their competitive phase.
So Knight II isn’t eating well, while Chaos loves to eat, in particular Knight’s soaked kibble when it stands around too long. So anyway, Knight had left it standing, and though I had taken Chaos up on the bed, he wasn’t happy about it. In particular not when Knight joined us. Chaos started to whine, so finally I helped him off the bed, laying down again myself, figuring he was just going to have to sleep on the ground then. It was dark, it was humid and I wanted to sleep.
Big mistake. Five seconds after Chaos got down, *boff*, so was Knight. Instantly the cabin was filled with vicious growls. They both stood over the bowl, at the verge of going at it for sure.
I took Chaos back to bed, ordered Knight to eat and he did, for about three minutes before he came back to the bed. Ergo Chaos wanted to get off, and *boff* Knight went back too, snarling and threatening.
I honestly didn’t have patience for it, so I opened the door, put the bowl outside and headed back to bed.
Knight was right there with me, but Chaos, whose nose is too good and whose memory work way too well, had different ideas. He started howling, scratching at the door, and not listening worth a damn when I growled for him to stop messing around and go to sleep. Nope. So I got back up, snatched the bowl and put it on the floor inside. *boff* Knight was back, and I would have none of it. I grabbed him by the collar, dragged him onto the bed and wrapped myself around him until we both drifted off to sleep. Chaos and Sitabah quietly ate the contents of the bowl. *sigh*

Okay, gotta go.

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