
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Potential disasters at the horizon

Song of the day: “Jump in the line (Shake shake Sehnora)” by Harry Belafonte. It’s been going through my head for several days now, but luckily it’s a good song.

Okay, time for a serious update, seeing as the past couple of days have been incredibly busy.
First of all, a few days ago we got a summons of city hall to come on over on Wednesday, where we got served. Yep. You heard (read) it right, served. That car accident that happened in 2009 finally got a follow up, meaning that the other party wants to see money. *sigh*

So stuff like that gets me worried, and immediately afterwards, while slugging ourselves through the paperwork, we headed for our insurance broker and asked for some advice. She assured us that it is pretty much standard when there’s an accident involved, and basically this will be something between the insurance company and the other party. Which reassured me somewhat at least, since she told me that I should just wait until the lawyer gets in touch with me. If stuff doesn’t get settled, I will most likely get a closer look at the Spanish justice systerm. Hah.

But anyway, we were just about done at the broker’s place when my phone rang and mom informed me that she and little sister were taking the steaming Daewoo to the shop...where we were informed that the cooling liquid tank burst a seam or some such and that the lack of it basically fried the engine. *sigh* I know, ain’t it fun? And that just days after the AC got fixed. You’d think we’re jinxed, darn it. This means we’re going to have to dip into the savings again, either to have a new engine put in, or to get a new 2nd hand car. Aaaargh! I hate touching the savings, in particular since it was looking like we were looking at putting a good chunk aside this very month. *double sigh* I’m sure I’ll be writing about this more in the near future, but that’s about it for now. On to the nicer all feels like disaster just waiting to happen darn it.

The yard. We got a 6 to 8 pound harvest of peaches this year, which is totally awesome. We got a full basket of too early peppers from the yard too. Seriously, I don’t know what’s wrong with the plants but we’ve got pepper plants that are barely a hand high, carrying three to four peppers that are literally pulling it to the ground. Poor plantsies, working so hard.
Zucchinis are producing well too, giving us about two per day. Yay. Same goes for the tomatoes, even though they are going a little faster. Might get a problem with those in the near future. Once we start getting too many, I’m going to have to start canning.

My herbs are drying well in the cupboard grandpa made. Got a solid bag of Parsley now, along with a chamomile and another oregano back. Yay. This means that I won’t have to buy herbs this winter.

There was some watering of plants involved, of course, not to mention weeding of which there is always more to do. I do admit that I didn’t wind down yesterday until I headed into the yard and forgot about the most recent developments.

Writing. I did some, but was distracted a lot. I did reach the beginning of page 29 for “V.L.” so it wasn’t all bad. I had this great idea yesterday while big brother and I were getting sand again, and managed to hold onto it until I got home and was able to jot it down.

The pool is starting to see some serious action what with the sudden and rapid increase of temperature these past couple of days. In fact in the middle of the day things are starting to get sweltering. Two to three dips a day are starting to become standard.

Chamea’s stitches are doing well. She is hardly bothered by it anymore, and is once again trying to outdo Sonia (big brother’s small Cocker Spaniel). They’re mortal enemies, and have been since day one. *triple sigh*

Tenant decided to join us by the basin terrace today again, which is good since it means that she gets some extra exercise. It didn’t go all bad, and she did enjoy walking a section with big brother, which makes for a nice change for her, I think.

Well, I’ve got to get back to work. I might be able to finish that scene I started on last night, and got to admit that I am more than a little curious to see how it’s going to work out. A first kiss...maybe...?

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