
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, June 2, 2011

Into the wild wild yard

Song of the day: “My girl” by the Temptations...I think. Darn it, now I’ve gotta go check. Yep. The Temptations. Phew.

Okay, let’s get this over and done with. I wanna go write and am impatient to get to it. Sorry.
For the most part there has been yard work. Considering the weather today was absolutely uncalled for in June, we decided to make use of the morning’s rain and headed down to plant some more plants (did the same yesterday afternoon btw). Zucchinis, peppers, pumpkins, cucumbers and lettuce. I can assure you that all were exceedingly happy with the wetness. Hah.

The green beans are doing excellent, and I have added constructions to the last section of the climbers. The one I built the other day is already being climbed over. Boy are those plants happy with the support. If I didn’t know any better I’d say I hear cheering every time they touch a reed stem against which to climb. It takes a couple of hours, but then they’re holding on firmly and always climb up clockwise. Weird how that works, eh?

We had a salad today of our own tomatoes with fresh garden herbs, light green chard, and some fresh onion. It went really well with the fries we were in the mood for today. It went down rather well actually.

It was a bit chilly what with the cloud cover, but still it was also downright wonderful to spent the majority of the day in the yard. In particular the occasional cloud break that allowed the sun to come through. Then it was absolutely wonderful. Tenant can attest to that too, since she opted to join us down in the lower yard and read her book in what little sunshine there was.

We’ve been hauling out a lot of garbage, what with the courtyard room needing to be cleared out. Seriously, it amazes me how much accumulation of messes we have ‘round here. We spent the majority of yesterday morning sorting through it and hauling it up to the car. Which meant we had to go out later in the evening to get rid of it all. I did get to bed in time for a change, which had me like totally ecstatic until I woke up eight times during the night and at one time freaked out because I was convinced there was something in my ear. Aaaargh. There wasn’t of course, it was just a leftover of the dream, but seriously, I was freaked. Hah.

Big brother is still working on the door for the future bathroom. I don’t get where the days go these, but it is so hard to get everything done that needs to be done during any given day. Seeing as that takes time and effort, Dani offered to work the yard with me for the past couple of days, so he can actually get it done. Maybe I should offer to do it, seeing I usually do most of the woodwork round here, but I kinda like the yard part better at the moment. Hah.

Writing wise it's going well. I'm seven pages into the beginning, and though some unexpected stuff happened, I'm pretty happy with the results. The weirdest thing was that I had already thought out a complete dialogue and when I was about to get into it, a third character (funny old geezer) suddenly arrived. He had with him the hero's dog (hadn't known he had one until then)cutting off further conversation. So weird, how a scene can change like that. But that's writing for you; the characters will take you where they are meant to go, whether you want them to or not. I am most curious as to where they will take me next. Hah.

Okay, update on Amri. We took him to the vet the other day and she took X-rays. Nothing wrong with his jaw bone, so that’s a relief at least. I got a strip of anti-inflammatory pills for him, and I’m supposed to look how things go with that. Problem is, I messed up and mistook normal paracetemol for the strip I got, so he got two of the wrong ones before I realized my error. *Sigh* Luckily he is a big dog, so the paracetamol shouldn’t be too big a disaster. I gotta admit that he was remarkably cheerful with them in his system (he’s usually a grouch) and didn’t even snarl at the other dogs throughout. Stupid, I know, but I did warn that I often have brain leakage. Hah.

Chamea, Big brother’s Irish Setter, will be going in to be spaded tomorrow. Though her problem doesn’t appear to be cancer, it is hormonal, meaning that the easiest way to solve it will be to remove the entire mess. I can sooo get into that. It will cost a mint, however, but then, who needs food anyway. Hah.

Well, I’ve got a book to write and too little time to do it in, darn it. Gotta go, but I will try to do better the next time.

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