
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Getting worried

Song of the day: “Fireflies” by Owl City. Just recently rediscovered this particular song and it’s been on my mind ever since.

What’s up? Well, I don’t really know. My brain wants to blank out, but luckily I jotted some stuff down on a list so I actually have some stuff to write about. Hah.

First off we’ve got yesterday, which was spent in the full sun (was wonderful, considering there was a cool Atlantic wind) washing the cars. Seriously, it was grand, and though I knew that I was going to end up sunburned (got to get sunburned at least once in the summer, right?) I did it in shorts and a bikini top anyway. Hah. It was just too nice

The washing done, and after hauling in the dog food that was delivered while I was washing the car, (lugged down ten bags of 44 pounds a pop), I waxed the Land Rover proper. Though I have no trouble with the Land Rover being dirty, it does fit the image a bit. You know what I mean, right? Cross country, mud, dust and all that jazz. The wax does a wonderful job of keeping the persistent dirt off. Unlike the last time, I managed to wash the car with only a sponge, which is definitely a first.

While I was doing the cars, big brother and grandpa worked on the gate of grandpa’s place. It broke down the other day, so they built a new one. This time with an arch overhead that grandpa wants to put some sort of fine in. It will look really nice once it’s done, that I know.

Also, the new boarding for tenant’s ceiling got painted. All primed and colored yesterday and partially put in place even today…but I’m getting ahead of myself. Hah. Back to yesterday.

The painting as good as done, tenant and I started on our way down to the basin where we made dinner together consistent of lentil/chickpea patties with a vegetable pot roast on the side. That went down well after a full day’s work, and while I did some edits on V.L. because big brother needs to do his fair share for S.N.

After that first short session we headed into the yard for a bit. We harvested the last of this batch of tomatoes, there are some more flowers blooming, but it will be a while yet. The peppers are still going strong, and the zucchini’s are in their second “life”, and soon we’ll be able to get the harvest of red beets in.

While out to harvest, I also started on gathering the herbs I needed for one of my potions. Sure, Kenneth might be too far gone by now, that cancer is a nasty biatch after all, I’m hoping it will keep her comfortable a little longer at least. While I was making the potion I also the took the opportunity to get some aloe vera, which worked miracles on my sunburn. Seriously, I was red as a lobster last night, but this morning there were only a few remaining spots. Yay.

There was the edit, of course, but since that will be basically what I’ll be doing for the next few months, let’s leave it at that description, eh? I also finished reading that thriller, and even though the ending face-off scene with the bad guy made up for a lot, the lead did it all naked and that image kind of ruined it for me again. *sigh* What’s with the nakedness in inappropriate moments, people. Are average people going around naked at so many occasions without me knowing about it? Jeez.

So I started reading another thriller this morning…and it got me a little worried. Here I was thinking that the thriller genre would be a good way for me to write my stories without be obligated to add in-gratuitous sex, only to start reading another thriller that has, I kid you not, three sex scenes (of the villains no less) in the first four chapters. Now don’t get me wrong, I got the importance of it in one scene, but the other two??? I don’t get it. I’ve read this author before, and from what I remember of his previous stories he wasn’t obsessed about the whole S word thing at all! Please, if you, my readers have a good suggestion for my research reading in the thriller genre, let me know, this is…well, disparaging. *sigh*

Let’s get to the day, shall we. It started off with the usual: a dip in the pool, followed by coffee and the laundry, before we headed up to tenant’s place to have breakfast and putting tenant’s new ceiling in. Got most in too, before we decided on a different technique (we’ll have to do that tomorrow) because the one we had settled on didn’t work as well as hoped. No matter though, we’ll get it right tomorrow.

What with the change of plan needing grandpa to do some preparations, I went down with tenant and caregiver. While the ladies went for a dip in the pool, I headed down to the prickly pears (cacti) and plucked a big batch. Next I burned of all the tines, of which a solid dozen or so still ended up in my fingers, and then peeled them to make syrup and compote. Worked out well too, and turned out to be pretty darn nice to boot.

Made the same patties as yesterday for supper, only added onion and cheese to the dough, which worked out really well. Afterwards we had dessert of yogurt with cream, brambles, some prickly pear and sugar, which made for a nice touch for a change we hardly ever do desserts anymore. Hah.

Which brings me to the end of today’s blog, seeing as I still need to head down into the yard and check everything before it’s time to call it a day and get started on the edit.

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