
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, August 18, 2011


Song of the day: ...actually I don’t have a clue as to which song has been in my head for the past few days. Might be that there were too many, because for the life of me, my brain is keeping silent about the whole thing.

So I can’t get anything straight in my head, so I’m just going to sum up whatever the heck deems it necessary to pop up. Right. Canning.
Did that twice in the past four days. First off there were the green beans and the vegetable soup, nine pots of the first and five of the second. Was a very feminine affair, what with tenant and Dani and I breaking and chopping veggies for most of the afternoon. Considering it was a rather cool day to boot, it was a wonderful way to spend the afternoon.

We did get to talking about the youth of today, and we had to agree that the problem these days is the fact that in an attempt to give people a sense of freedom, folks have un-romanticized life in general, and in particular love. Seriously, what do you expect from kids with raging hormones when you explain to them that sex is just a fun bodily function? Responsible behavior? (May I ask what universe you’re from) Puhlease!
Most adults can’t even handle it, so why should teens be any better. Nope. I definitely put the blame with those who say that you shouldn’t wait for the right person. Those who claim that sex is just a fun way to spend time with someone you like and know…or met that day, because if you have to wait for anything, well, that would be just mean. Whatever happened to telling a child that sex is something beautiful people do when they love each other, want to spend the rest of their lives together and want to make a baby together? Whatever happened to that lofty ideal? What was wrong with that image? What? The disappointment of not finding that person would be just too big to bear so better not hold out for it? *sigh* It makes me sad, really. I think a bit of romanticizing (and I don’t mean the sexed-up Hollywood of this day and age with that) would do the youth of today a lot of good. It would me. All that realism of sex just being a bodily function (the proverbial itch to scratch) isn’t doing it for me. I want the soul mate bit, that special person just right for me, that special idea of walking across the street some day and looking into the eyes of that one person you can’t live without to whom you’ll say: “What the heck took you so long?” You know what I mean, right? That special something that will be special because you waited for it, and which, in the end, turns out to be worth waiting for.
*double sigh* I know. I'm way too romantic at times, but I can't help it. You gotta admit though: Gawd, that would be so nice. Ah well…

Back to usual.
Like the two days before it, we had chilli with chickpea/lentil patties, which went down really well after the work. And then today we canned the yellow tomatoes. It was more an experiment than anything, but it worked out nicely. We now have a two liter soup pot, which should serve as a good meal sometime this winter. Which reminds me, today we had spaghetti with Parmesan and sun dried tomatoes. Went down rather nicely too. Hah.

Besides the tomato we did today, there was also a big batch of pickles to can. It went wrong a couple of times, but in the end it got done, meaning we have another batch to put away for winter.

Since there was the canning, there was also the harvesting. The bit of bad news this day is that we have a disease raging war on our tomatoes, and regretfully the tomatoes are losing. Big brother and I were forced to take out five plants already, and since their fruits weren’t done yet, I’m hoping that they’ll at least turn orange. *sigh*

There was a trip to town, which annoyed me enough that I won’t go in too much detail about that. Only thing that I will share is that I was getting mighty uncomfortable with people starting at me. I finally thought to check, and there you have it, the button of my blouse had gone loose, showing waaay too much of my hot-pink bra. Jeez. Talk about embarrassing. Luckily the looks stopped after that.

I have yanked weeds, plucked brambles and strawberries, and pulled more weeds. Lots of those going on, by the way. They’re nice and high now, allowing for pretty easy pulling. Hah.

There was a quick trip to bring Sally to work. The bus wasn’t running at the usual time, so she needed a ride. Since I was friggin’ hot from plucking green beans for about an hour, the ride was nicely cooling.

I spent an afternoon in the basin spraying the walls and floor. Apparently our brain left us, because we forgot the other day that we were supposed to spray the walls after using the acid. *sigh* While I was in, I discovered to relatively big holes in the plaster work of the basin, so I had to fix those too.

Afterwards I headed down the yard to water the young eucalypti. They’re looking well, but since we want them to grow fast, frequent watering is the only solution. Gonna have to do the same for our tree nursery tomorrow, and the pumpkins that are doing so very splendid. We’ve got a stash of more than twenty pumpkins hanging in the carport.

Took a moment to wash the lawn chairs in front of my cabin. They were getting to be so dirty I didn’t feel like sitting on them anymore. I scrubbed them and then left them to dry within less than five minutes, due to the warmth.

Plucking wise, I hunted ticks a lot these past few days. They’re everywhere again, darn it, and I don’t like it. Whenever a dog comes close I MUST pluck that one take, and that one, and the next and the next. It’s a bit scary, really.

I also edited, of course, but since for you that would be totally boring to read about, I'll skip that too. Hah.

Managed to clean the floors in my cabin too, which makes my living arrangement vastly more doable. And the new floors make it so darn easy it should be illegal.
I’ve gotta get to bed. I’m way tired. I’ve practically typed this thing with my eyes closed so pardon the typoes.

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