
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Lost Romance

Song of the day: “Dream a little dream” by the Beautiful South. Love this one, and luckily I am able to sing it most of the day without getting bored. This is a good thing since it often keeps tumbling in my head. Hah.

First off I need to rant a little. So sorry, but sometimes you just have to get something off your chest, if you get my meaning.

So, I watched a movie last night. It was a long day, I was tired and let’s face it, I can hardly stop getting input from modern day trends when I’m trying to break through in the writing bizz, eh.

But anyway, I am starting to notice a rather disturbing yet blatant problem in movies (books too, for that matter) these days. They are rapidly un-romantisizing everything. Either that, or they have no idea what true romance is. I mean really, I got into a discussion about the subject the other day about this particular issue, and I can tell you it got fierce.

I mean really, it is not that plots are bad, or even the acting, (though both are a bit iffy at times) that bothers me, it is the fact that people seem to have forgotten what romance is.

Where are the long drawn-out glances, the nervousness, the fleeting touches, the look that says, “oh my god, he’s/she’s perfect, whatever will I do without him/her?” the emotional impact, the flutter in the stomach (even for the watcher/reader), the long endless talks, the closeness, the trust, the respect the…well, all the wonderful things of those long ago stories that made you sit there, root for the hero and heroine to find happiness together, rather than wonder are they going to “get it on”.

So sad, movie after movie these days I’m left feeling a bit…I don’t know, empty in the end. Some not as bad as others, but that satisfaction feeling of “aaawww” is becoming a distant memory of “the good old days”, which kinda sucks, if you ask me.

Seriously, you stop making example movies of true love, absolute loyalty, life-long friendships and all those wonderful things people used to strive for because that’s what fiction was based on and that which we all wanted so badly, and you’ll find the world where we live in today.

I mean it, fuck realism (pardon my French *snort*). If anyone wants realism, a world where people cower from crime, where kids loot stores, where junkies lie dying in the street, and where families mean nothing anymore and where the “next new love” is right around the corner, they can have it!

I want the prettiness back, thank you very much. If I want gritty realism, I’ll watch the effing News. When I read, when I watch a movie, and when I think of the future I want the dream. I want the supposedly unattainable in being a free thinking person, a person not afraid to take risks, someone who will do everything, wait for however long is necessary for that one person (your other half) that you can’t imagine living without. That’s romance. The romance of life! The adventure of seeing who you can become if you just work at it hard enough, and won’t take no for an answer; not form yourself, nor anyone else

*Sigh* I miss the so called unattainable in fiction, if for no other reason than that it makes people stop wishing for it, and most importantly, to strive for it. How do you think you’ll ever find magic, if you’re not even looking for it, eh? I mean it, how will you find beauty if you don’t use your eyes to search for it? You can’t. To see, you need your eyes, and to find magic, you have to believe in it.

Ah well, that’s my rant anyway. I had to throw it out there, or else choke on it. Hah.

So what’s been up of late? Not a whole lot, just plenty of yard work, for which we have definitely reached the time of year again.
What with summer plants past their prime the soil needs to be prepared for winter, and the new plants that will need spots soon.

While I was taking out the last batch of diseased tomatoes (I managed to save three plants) big brother planted another small field of potatoes, which almost makes for this years planting. Only one…maybe two more fields and then it will be all about the cabbage species season.

We had another snake episode, (what’s with the snakes this year? That eagle we’ve been seeing this summer, really isn’t doing its job). Big brother was squatting in the yard, checking the melons, when suddenly he saw a thin, but long snake right beside him. It fled before we could catch it, but still, it freaked me out a little, like usual.

But anyway, there were weeks to yank, and since there was purslane all over the place I decided that yesterday was a good day to try an experiment with the weed that was supposedly a well known vegetable back in the day. I gotta say, I didn’t dislike it. I have to get used to the taste, sure, and I think I like it in a mix better than on its own, but on the overall, it’s very nice.

Later in the day we basically finished tenant’s ceiling, (interesting experience to wield hammer and nail basically upside down, hah) and it looks absolutely splendid. I’m going to have make pictures and post them to properly show it of.
That done, despite my yearning for a short nap, we edited, of course. Almost halfway through the book, so we’re making progress at least.

Since we did enough, and since I was a tad tired, we finished the day by watching Thor. Not bad, all things considered. I liked the actors, who did a credible job of it, but the plot left something to be desired. *sigh* I miss the old fashioned movies.

Well, anyway, today started of with laundry, followed by putting together patty dough of lentils and chickpeas, which would be the basis of today’s supper. That was followed by a phone call to the garage, to make an appointment for tomorrow. Gonna need those new brakes in the Land Rover now. It was no problem, so before driving mom to her appointment tomorrow, we’ll drop the car off.

That settled we headed out into the yard where grandpa turned earth, big brother watered and I built small fences around the new patches to keep the dogs out. Talking about the dogs, my present concern is Gada who had blood coming from her mouth this morning. It stopped after a few minutes, but if the problem persists I’m going to have to take her to the vet for a check up. Poor Gada, age is really starting to get to her.

Well that’s it for today. Gotta get back to work.

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