Well, it has been an incredibly busy couple of days, in particular since we’re hurrying through a lot of stuff due to the predicted rainy days. According to the forecasts we’re going to be pelted for a solid five days (Noooooooooh!!!) and if not that, at least three. I’m hoping that it’ll take another few days before it actually starts. Seriously, I have been enjoying the sunny weather these past few days so much, I wish it would never end.
But anyway, yesterday started early with a jog up the mountain for a change. Yep, we sometimes need a little diversity from workouts, so we climbed up the mountain and then jogged down the path and road. Knight II was along, and big brother might be pondering taking Thorgal III (his Golden retriever) along the next time. Thor sure would love it.
The jog went well, and the hot shower afterward was divine, in particular since the wind was downright chilling. I was properly warmed for the massive amount of laundry that had to be folded next, and then headed up to grandpa’s place to have breakfast.
After some minor chores, and grandpa heading out to the village to pick up tubing for water that needs to be rerouted, big brother and I headed on up the roof and started cutting into the roof tiling, the layers of concrete, and then the wood until a hole was created right in the middle of the top. It was weird being able to look inside from that angle. Hah.
Though I was up on the roof too, I did a lot of walking up and down the mountain. What with grandpa being away (he is usually the supply guy) I had to get whatever was needed while big brother used hammer and chisel (whacked himself on the hand twice *snort*) and the angle grinder and made the hole bigger.
That done, we plugged the hole and started talking about how the tubing should be ready for pick-up right about then, so we planned an outing to the city to see.
Next we headed down to the greenhouse, checking everything, taking out dead stuff, and so on. Sally has been having some electrical problems in her room, so we went there next and messed around with the wiring and the plugs for a couple of hours. First we had to install a new breaker down there, and then by the time we’d attached a new three way plug, it turned out that the wiring leading there wasn’t at all functional anymore. So, one of these days we’re going to have to put in new wiring, until then, she’s got some extra extension cords. *sigh*
We went through the yard, checking everything, and were about to head up for supper when grandpa phoned to inform us that the meal that had already been prepared had been devoured by a bunch of hungry canines who really appreciated the snack. *double sigh* I decided to laugh instead of cry and we decided to have fries to fill the big hole in our gaping stomachs. Jeez, I was hungry.
Improvised supper eaten, it was time to head on out to town, where, yes, we managed to pick up the tubing, and all but one corner we are going to need to build in the new wood stove. We got home around nine and by then I barely managed to get through my messages, let alone do a full edit. We made a brave effort, however, and then gave up to head for our respective beds at around 12 winter time. Yep, it’s that time of the year and we are back to winter time. I for one, am rather happy with the extra hour of sleep in the morning, and what with early bedtime yesterday, I had two! Yay!
No workout this morning, thankfully. Considering we had a full day planned I was pretty psyched about this fact. Hah. Had another big batch of laundry, of course. A good thing too, since the weather is threatening to turn again and we are having a lot of dirty laundry these days.
First there was yard work. Watering the elevated seedbeds, transplanting white cabbages into pots and then putting cauliflowers and cabbages into the yard. More checking, finding three more pumpkins and then heading on up to the house to see how we had planned the tubing for the woodstove.
Our minds made up we headed up the roof again, chopped out more stone, wood and concrete, and fitted a mould in place. I headed up to storage to get sand and made fresh cement to pour in place. Then I got a wheelbarrow of bricks, and then, with big brother’s help put in the stone tube that will be connected to the metal black ones. At first I had anticipated that I would have to pour the first section and then continue with the rest tomorrow, but as it turned out, I had enough time to do the masonry and the resulting plastering afterwards. It is looking pretty darn fine, I do say so myself. Here, have a look.

Not bad for my first chimney, eh?
And these are...well, just because the Knight looks awesome waiting for a ride in the car, and the greenhouse looked pretty in the clouds after the rain. Hah.

Anyways...While I was working on that, big brother worked on relaying water tubes behind my cabin. And Dani, who had volunteered to help out today (good thing, because we don’t have all that much time) by cleaning out the outside kitchen, and clearing the terrace so we can check the grout work one of these days. Keeping her company was tenant, who kindly enough worked diligently on preparing veggies for our supper, because, let’s face it, otherwise we would have had to eat French fries again.
Once I came to the kitchen, I only had to heat stuff up and mix it all together. Of course, I then remembered that I had to go down to the greenhouses and close everything now that the sun was almost down. (Damn that missing hour at the end of the day!)
Supper was a nutritious affair of spinach, potatoes, onions and cheese, which went down well after the long day.
Since we missed and edit yesterday we went over four pages big brother did manage to do last night, and thankfully already did today’s share…good thing too, because we have to go out in about fifty minutes. Darn it!
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