
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, December 2, 2011

The hunt was on

Song of the day: “Rehab” by Amy Winehouse...which sucks, since I only know parts of the song, making it a repetition of the same bit, over and over again.

Not much fascinating stuff going on…not that there’s much of that on any other given day, but what the hey. I’m going to tell you about it anyway. Hah.

First of all, Kollosus is in heat, meaning that she’s driving Arthur bonkers. Poor Breton, doesn’t know what to do with himself, he does. I do her interests stick with Arthur, or else we’ll have half the males going bonkers around her.

Panni, one of little sister’s cocker spaniels had to be operated today. A rotten tooth and a rapidly growing tumor that appeared just last week. It worried the vet a little, so they decided to do it fast.

There’s been quite a bit of moped hunting going on. What with grandpa’s moped close to the eternal hunting fields, (so to speak, anyway) getting an affordable replacement is starting to get a necessity.

We hunted through a variety of stores looking for something that would cost us a kidney, or maybe a liver. *sigh* Grandpa of course liked the Hondas and the Piaggios, but seriously, 1400 bucks, adding IVA and whatnot to get it on the road (leading up to a whopping 1600) would cut in our budget waaaaaay too much. So yeah, seven stores and three days later, we struck gold, figuratively speaking that is, and found a nice little Keeway Milan that will do trick…I hope. It won’t be here until the New Year, since grandpa insisted on a black one, rather than the readily available white one, but what the hey. Patience is a virtue and despite the song, you don’t die from it. Hah.

Cooking: Nothing really special, just throwing stuff together at the end of the day because we were hungry and not feeling too picky.

We did finish hanging those doors in front of the little storage, and though they still have to be painted that’s about done, finally. All this needing to go out is taking soooo much time, if we manage to get one thing done during the day it’s a lot.

There is of course always getting wood, the laundry, the dogs, the edits, and well everything else, but that really doesn’t feel all the interesting to tell about at the moment. To me, what with all the going away bits, it feels like I’ve wasted a couple of days, despite the fact that they were of course necessary.

I should get some reading done, I think I can because I finally warmed up (practically sitting with my butt against the stove here, hah) a bit, and then…well, I don’t think that there will be a lot of edits done since big brother is trying to fix the program of his Mac, which has been giving fits for months now. This means that nothing is working properly at the moment, and if he does manages it, he’ll be busy the rest of the night reinstalling all his programs. *sigh*
According to him, things are looking good, though, so with a little luck we’ll be doing edits again tomorrow.

Okay, a bit of news about my upcoming interview with author C.S. Marks. As soon as I get the answers back (I’m wondering when that will be btw, I haven’t a clue) I am free to post it on the blog whenever I want, so I’m thinking before Christmas, or otherwise between Christmas and New Years…ah well, we’ll see how that goes.

Big brother just reminded me that a nice tidbit to add in today’s blog was to mention that we slayed two dragons today, but who would believe that, right? That seems so totally out of there, not to mention like space fill, so scratch that…it wasn’t filmed anyway. Hah.

Well, I’m clearly starting to get a tad giddy here, (must be the blessed heat that’s making me sleepy too) to I better quit while I’m ahead.

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