
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, March 5, 2012

In the yard

Song of the day: “Man down” by Rihanna. It comes and goes, and changes places with others, but on the overall this is the most consistent song of the past couple of days.

Started yesterday taking the cheeses from the salty water and set them out to dry on a big sieve. Now we’re going to see how that works, that’s for sure. I wonder. A couple had swollen from the twelve hours in the salty stuff, and one (the herbal mix cheese) was close to crumbling, but other than that they held okay. There appears to be a semblance of a crust forming, so I’m keeping my fingers crossed. Hah.

After that, well, the cheese making stint is over, and life as we know it, is gradually returning back to normal…for as far as it’s normal. Hah. The majority of yesterday was spent down in the pool apartment, putting in that boiler for Sally.
I was just there for the grunt work, seeing as whenever it’s about plumbing, big brother knows more about it than I. This meant that he did the big parts like using the big angle grinder on the wall and taking out about three inches of wall to make the boiler fit.

For the most part I was going back and forth up the mountain, getting whatever tools or supplies he needed to get the job done (I find this ten times more exhausting than just working on some project. Waiting and then hauling butt, you can never really get started, if you get my meaning?) This meant that I got a lot of mileage out of yesterday, which wasn’t necessarily a bad thing in regards to exercises. Hah. I didn’t have any in the morning, so that was a good substitute.

But anyway, there were masks involved, heavy machinery like the angle grinder and the jackhammer, but come afternoon we got to hanging the boiler in place. Fit like a glove too, which is a relief, I tell ya. So the boiler is now running on a timer. Considering there are four of those monsters in the house, and the low wattage that we’re allowed ‘round these parts doesn’t allow for all that many machines at the same time. But anyway, they’re all set to different times, so it should be okay.

The boiler in place and the mess we made dealt with…for the most part anyway, I once again went up to get supplies for big brother as he set to fixing the tubes of the basin water system. Dratted corner flew out the other day, so watering had to be done with the water main while he fixed the tubing with PVC glue and put in a new connection.

Did some sorting through the glass supply with grandpa. Almost lost a pile to that, since we were searching for a matte glass in the back. The whole construction almost collapsed, forcing me to serve as support beam of sorts while grandpa started taking away the other side. Hah.

Today, no time for a workout again, since tenant’s caregiver had to go to her other job, and I needed to help her change and walk her down to my terrace where she could spent the afternoon in a pleasant mix of sun and shade. Once she was settled, her drink and all her things with her, big brother and I headed down into the yard.

Since I’d already run down during laundry to open up the seedbed and greenhouse (the sun was fierce today, and I didn’t want to risk having the plants losing liquid to the burning sunshine) I could head straight for the seedlings and start gathering the best ones for transplantation into the yard.
Today was iceberg slaw and onion day, in case you’re wondering. Put in 32 slaw, which are looking absolutely adorable in-between the cabbages. So beautifully light green.

A bag of Stuttgarter reisen and a bag of Red Kame onions were planted as well, which made for interesting experience, bending over and breaking my back over the chore. Seriously, I took about half an hour to relocate my spinal disks. Hah. I did opt to do it barefoot (first time this year), knowing that it would do my feet a world of good. It was interesting to do that again, now that winter has gotten rid of all my calluses, I felt like a friggin’ rookie hippie walking down there. Hah. It’s going to take some getting used to again, that’s for sure.

Chaos has been feeling particularly uncomfortable since the day before yesterday. You see, he overate, and since his metabolism is so ridiculously low, he’s been hauling around this huge round belly for two days, moaning and groaning, and wanting nothing more than to snooze the day away. Since he appears to be so uncomfortable, I let him for the most part. Gawd, I really have to keep him out of the whey food. The trouble is, he is sooooo outraged with me, whenever I drag his butt into the cabin after he’s eaten his fair share. Seriously, if he could talk he’d be, “Aww, come on, boss. I’m hungry. I’m a growing boy, and I need food.” Hah.

Gada, is as of yesterday on an anti inflammatory, rather than prednisone. Since the prednisone increased her appetite to a point where she couldn’t stop eating, and gained at least fifteen pounds, I asked the vet for something else and am now trying it out.

As for editing…big brother is feeling a bit under the weather, so we’re not making a lot of progress. We’re about halfway through the paper edit, and so far we have not come across more than just a handful of inconsistencies and a load of typos. Hah. We’ll get there yet.

So, that concludes today’s blog, I guess. Lots more to do, including another edit, cooking (kale with mashed potatoes and a load of butter, thank you very much) and if I can swing it, as short, little, itty bitty nap. *sigh*

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