Song of the day: “Crazy” by Patsy Cline. Back to that one, eh? Strange. Had lots of new pop of late and now I’m back to the oldies. Ah well, it’s a good song, so who cares.
Let’s start with a bad news…well, semi bad news, anyway. Tenant, who often has trouble swallowing had a rather bad episode the other day, and due to that she’s been feeling under the weather a bit. Her voice is extremely weak, so we’ve been keeping a hawk’s eye on her.
One of the dogs died. Purna, little sister’s black cocker spaniel who had a liver infection and going through antibiotic therapy just dropped dead the other day. Very sad. Was such a sweet little dog. We got her when she was little more than a puppy, and she was always so cheerful. Little sister is really broken up about it.
Yesterday was an emergency trip to the vet. Rammi (Rottweiler mix) had somehow managed to knock her tooth askew (it was standing horizontally in her mouth) which meant that it had to be removed with an anesthetic. It took the vet less than twenty minutes, but still, poor Rammi was out of it for several hours and none too pleased.
Got pulled over by national police. They were doing some sort of massive traffic check. The roundabout had been cordoned off from all five directions, and basically they were checking every car that came past. They wanted to see big brother’s driver’s license and examined both cousin Ed and me with a flashlight in our faces. Was a bit intimidating, I’ll admit. I hate it when they do it like that. It always makes me wonder if there is some terrorist thread going one, because they keep pulling over small shabby looking cars, searching trucks and people alike. Reminds me of a police state, for some reason, especially with the fully armed back up that always stands about five-hundred yards down the road.
Found a litter of deserted puppies at the local landfill. They’d been dumped in a garbage bin, in a bag, and they were closer to death than alive, and waaaay too young to survive. Most unpleasant. I hate it when people do that. I’m sorry, but at moment’s like those I can’t say I like people at all. I mean, for Gawd’s sake. There were nine of them, and if properly nourished they would have been gorgeous. I’m thinking Pitbull mix, at the very least.
But seriously, if the economy is so bad that one can’t afford to have one’s dog get puppies, have said dog spaded, or at least (please) have the guts to have the puppies put down in a humane (or at least quick) fashion, rather than dumping them to starve in some garbage bin. It is not the right solution, not even if one has the unrealistic belief that some good Samaritan will undoubtedly save them. It is very unpleasant, not to mention painful for those who come afterwards.
But enough depressing stuff. I’ve done my utter most best to distract myself from all this shaite, and will endeavor to keep on doing so. Nothing to be gained from a solid depression.
There were a couple of kick box workouts, which didn’t go disastrous, thankfully, and a good run that had Knight II get his exercise as well. I had planned to do either a workout or a run today as well, but regretfully that didn’t work out at all.
Lots of work in the yard again. I love this time of year for that. Sowed more herbs, because this year I would like to have enough of everything to not have to buy teas. Our own is way nicer anyway. Hah. But I harvested some more broccoli. It won’t be long now, in particular not because we’re letting them shoot through to blooms and they are now like yellow torches in the yard. Next year we want our own seeds…just like the new chard that’s coming up. They’re looking splendid.
Also had a nice harvest of some of our own tomatoes, meaning we went for a salad for one supper, kale with the other, and veggie burgers with our own cauliflower in it. I can’t really decide which I like best.
Had to go to the village to finally pick up my old insoles. I think the docs took pity on me and stuck a new layer on the poor things that were getting to be threadbare from all the wear. Glad to have them back, in particular because they cost me a solid 60 bucks. Hah.
Good edits…at least, I remember two good sessions at the very least. Made progress and on paper we’re now at page sixty. Yay. Lots of distracted, I’m afraid, partially because the days were so friggin’ busy.
Which reminds me: the main project these past couple of days has been putting in my new terrace doors. First day, big brother and I worked on preparing the four doors so they’d be ready for putting them in place. It took some planning, and there were some errors, but after day one we were pretty confident that we figured we should be able to put them in place the next day.
The next day we started early, taking out the old windows and door, cutting open the wall (that scared me a little. What if we calculated something wrong? What if the new slats didn’t hold? What if? What if?) and then starting the strenuous task of putting in the panel windows. Once we had those in, the difficult part started: Hinges. Yep. We had to put in eight of them and that is where the first miscalculation made itself known. The new pieces of wood we put in place to serve as posts were too thin for the hinges we selected. Ended up making the ends into bolts, putting them in place and making thin slats to cover up the bolts. Worked out fine. It was late in the afternoon, and we still had loads to do, but the doors were in place, the locking mechanism in place and working perfectly. Yay.
Regretfully I could not enjoy my first sunset the next morning. The sky was overcast with clouds, and the sun was nowhere in sight, darn it. Still, there is loads of light in my bedroom now, and it is really beautiful to lie there staring out over the valley at night, seeing the lights of town shimmer in the distance.
Since I had to clean up afterward anyway, I took the opportunity to thoroughly scrub my floors and even clean up some shelves. For the moment stuff inside my cabin look neat…sorta.
The last couple of days were spent finishing it all up (in-between yard work and other chores), putting in the threshold, plinths, fortifications because the old solidity of the cabin disappeared and had to be replaced properly. Washing the windows…followed by Lieve (Sitabah’s sister) walking right into the glass, because she thought the door was open. *sigh* Not the smartest of the litter, Lieve.
And by now I’m starting to draw blanks as to what else was done these past couple of days. I’m sure I’m missing lots, but who cares. There will be more days in the future, so I will end this one with some pics of the remodel project of my cabin. Yay.

So I discovered that I didn't have a before shot of the cabin in question (I have two identical ones, which are attached) but the design is the same, so this is how it used to look. A bit on the dark side, if you get my meaning.

Here it's stripped of windows and door. Chaos was looking at me as if I was amputating his leg, or something, and ended up barking at the hole until I lifted him onto the bed where he snuggled into the pillows until further notice.

Stripped too. Such a sad sight...but worth it.

The stationary panels are in, getting closer.

And voila. Beautiful. I love it...even though the dogs don't. They really do hate change. Hah.
Okay, gotta go.
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