
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, April 27, 2012

A little bit of this and that

Song of the day: “Sexual healing” by…well drat, now I forgot his name. *sigh* Anyway, it has been in my head most of the day and it is driving me friggin’ bonkers.

First off, the best bit of news for yesterday is that we sent out A.I.L. to a publisher so *phew* that’s a relief. It took some work, but we managed to cut everything that had to be cut, listed what needed to be listed, and described what had to be described and then send it out. Yay. So now we get to twiddle our thumbs for the next four months or so…oh wait, what am I saying. There’s another edit to do for V.L. and then (finally) I can start on the new project. *cheers* I can hardly wait, really. Ideas have been tumbling through my head quite frequently, so I hope that this edit won’t be too disastrous.

But anyway…I slept rather fretfully yesterday night…heck, last night as well. I don’t know what caused it either, but for some peculiar reason I just didn’t drop away. Kept waking up, and then the crazy Sitabah decided to leap over the fence and stand on the other side crying like some pitiful puppy until I came outside and basically lifted her off the roof to get her back inside. Spoiled mutt. I should have left her there, but let’s face it, she was screaming loud enough to wake the dead. *sigh*

For the most part we’ve just been busy with the kitchen building, and cleaning up the messy war zone we call home. There was the carport today, which is filled from top to bottom with building materials, and which really needed a good cleaning. Got most of it done, thankfully. No matter what we’ll end up with a little more order in the chaos, which is never a bad thing.

We have a new pet. An acquaintance of mom’s wanted to get rid of her parrot, so middle sister is going to see if our eclectus Parrot will be able to stand this new addition to our zoo. *sigh* Mom had hoped that it was the same breed as ours, but regretfully this appears to be an Amazon parrot. There was lots of screaming from our eclectus when the new fellow arrived, and according to middle sister she was more than a little curious about climbing all over the big cage that came with the new one. Let’s hope that they can be friends.

There were rocks to remove from the main path, of course, which took some effort…mostly be big brother since my shoulder is still playing up, and I really am not allowed to lift all that much weight. Gawd, this morning proved it. I tried to swing a dog food bag onto my terrace, and ended up with a nice stab of pain for my effort.

Dog feeding is par for the course these days, along with the preparation of it. Like today I had to gather fresh veggies from the yard first before we had enough. I gotta say, though, that with the way they enjoy the meals I find it well worth the effort.

Spent quite a few hours in the yard too. Mostly watering, weeding and harvesting. Yesterday morning it was so clear, I ended up standing in the lowest section of the yard, staring out to the sea where Africa showed in clear relief at the horizon. It was beautiful, in particular since the morning sun was bright and there was a fresh breeze whispering through the poplar trees. It was just too idyllic. I ended up just standing there soaking it up.

Painted the outside table up by the old horse stable. Had been planning to do so ever since we’d used it during construction of one project or other, but now, what with tenant’s family coming over, it seemed as good a time as any.

There were boards to store, planks to sort, and stuff to haul either up, or down as the past two days progressed. I managed to clean up my porch, in case the weather doesn’t allow tenant and her family to sit up there in the open. Thought I want nothing more than some rain (gawd knows we need it) but if the weather forecasters are right, it’s going to rain buckets this Saturday, which will be a total bummer for tenant’s family.

Did a couple of garbage runs. That pile-up there has been a thorn in our eye for a while, so we packed it all up in the back of the Land Rover and took it away. Heck, except for the massive amounts of building storage stuff, it is actually getting to look neat…well, neater anyway. Hah.
Made a nice little seating area for tenant and her family. The table looks better, and the chairs do make it appear cozy enough. Now let’s keep our fingers crossed on the weather, okay?

I just checked, and darn it, there are clouds all over the place, darn it. What is that. For weeks we have been wishing for rain, and NOW, of all times, Mother Nature is willing to oblige us. *snort*

Took about an hour for myself this morning and finally sorted through my laundry pile. Got most of it back into the closets, but by going past all the horizontal surfaces, I gathered one big bag filled with dirty laundry. I’m such a pig…but seriously, by the time I get to my cabin at night, I’m crosseyed with exhaustion and can only think of dropping facedown in bed and drifting off to la la land.

I remembered the other day that I really should write to my pen buddy again. It’s been ages since I last wrote, and I dislike slacking like that. Besides, I’m curious as to how he’s doing over there in the war territories.

There was some serious sawing done these past couple of days. For the kitchen, as well as the boards that had to be stored. It took some creativity for sure, but I did manage to store everything properly. Yay.

Cooking…well, we had our first batch of spinach today, and it was divine, I tell ya. Baked potatoes on the side and, wow, it was marvelous. I don’t remember spinach ever tasting this good. Added to that we had beets yesterday, so, well the last couple of suppers were pretty darn good. Hah.

Ticks! Yeah. It’s getting bad again. We’re going to have to go through the dip ordeal soon, because with some dogs it is starting to get silly now. I’m killing an average of 150 ticks a day now and there only seem to be more every day. Little bastards. We’ll teach ‘m yet.

And that about sums up the day, seeing as I’m way behind and good and ready to call it a friggin’ day. Tomorrow morning I need to drive on out to the vacation spot to pay for the week, and then I should be home in time to do some final cleaning and preparing before the visitors arrive.
I for one am going to bed.

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