
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, May 5, 2012

Last day

Song of the day: “Jesus knows me” by Genesis, I think. Seriously, cousin Ed mentioned it in the morning and it has been going through my head ever since. Thank you Cousin Ed! Grrrr. Then there was “Call me Maybe” by Carly Rae Jepsen, which is a little embarrassing, but it was even going through my head when I woke during the night. Darn it.

This is so embarrassing, but apparently I forgot to write in my diary, so now I’m going to have dig deep in my brain to discover what all happened yesterday. Gawd, this is difficult as heck. Ya can’t expect my brain to remember stuff…oh wait. We did masonry yesterday, of course.

That small platform we started the day before, got finished, yay. It really is looking rather grand. Sorta like a tower of natural rock, about the size of the water tank it’s going to support. It took several hours, but I was only there for the beginning of it. First because I had to cut the veggies for the dog food, and then because tenant had finished cutting veggies for our supper, and I had to start on supper.

Tenant, on the other had spent most of the early afternoon in the sunshine, sitting in the old horse-paddock. I think she was a tad tired from the busy day she had before, going out to the village and walking up a long stairs and everything, so she dozed a lot. Hah. After several hours of that, she was ready for some action and offered to do supper’s veggies.

Food preparation only took about half an hour, at which time I decided to experiment with making tart. Yep. Again. This time lemon cheesecake…and boy, did that work out well. Made two, just so we could try it out prior to offering it to the visitors. I can honestly say that we devoured a whole tart with just the four of us. Hah.

Throughout the day the weather was acting rather wishy washy, which wasn’t something my dogs appreciated. They spent quite some time inside my cabin, poor darlings. Spent about an hour in the yard and greenhouse. Hunting bugs, harvesting some tomatoes and such. I think that was the highlight of my day. Hah.

We had quite a good edit, yesterday…or at least, it appeared to be a good one, since we managed at least ten pages of V.L.’s last edit…after which I headed for bed on time for a change and passed out before I even managed to write in my diary. *sigh*

Was only a little late this morning, making me rush a bit through the morning rituals. Laundry, cleaning, and digging up the spare coffee machine so I could take it up to tenant’s so we’d have a big pot of coffee when her daughter and family came over for the last time before they went back home. (Tomorrow)
We doubted for the longest time whether the visit was going to be outside, or inside (still that wishy washy weather, thank you very much) but finally ended up around the big wooden table in the old horse paddock. The weather cleared enough for it to be semi comfortable outside. Yay.

Had pie…mine and the one the visitors had brought along, hah. How’s that for like minds, eh? Took a piece of both, as the impending departure was discussed and last-minute arrangements were made. When I suggested I take the lot (tenant included) for a little drive into the country, it didn’t take too long to decide.

Hopped into the Land Rover, including tenant, and drove out into the “wild” towards that little river I’ve occasionally mentioned over the past couple of years. By the time we got there the sun was out in full swing, so to speak, so it definitely left a good impression on the relatives. Took the adventurous road back (had about two inches left on either side of the car while we drove home) and were back and hour after departure. It was well worth the trip, and by the time we got back it was time to say our goodbyes. Tenant was glad with how things had gone this past week, her daughter and family seemed content as well, so we said our goodbyes with smiles and exchanged see-you-soons.

Afterward big brother and I had to head on down to town for a pickup and to get some sewing supplies for mom. We got home way too late, meaning I didn’t have time to cook (we fried potatoes instead) and that, due to needing to blog, I didn’t have time to edit either. Blasted blog!

Well, I’ve gotta cut this off, because it’ is well past midnight, and I would like to be in bed before two in the morning. *sigh*
Things should be calming down a bit in the near future, now that the visit thing is over and done with, allowing for blogs that are a little more detailed.

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