
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, May 20, 2012

Not done yet, darn it

Song of the day: “Somebody I used to know” by Gotye and Kimba. It’s been long enough now since the three day continuation of this particular song, not to mind anymore. Hah.

Still busy as heck, still way too much to do. Like today, I’m squeezing this little blog thing in here at around five in the afternoon, because I still have to go out, and probably have to do just that in just half an hour or so. *sigh* So little time, so much to do, right?

But okay, let’s stop dawdling and get down to business. Yesterday. Despite the time limit, big brother and I decided to just try and make it with the tree trimming business up in the mountains. Thirty trees, plus a handful of small ones were waiting for us, and we hoped, what with departing an hour early, we’d manage the chore…we didn’t. Hah. Ah well, can’t help it, worked hard, worked fast. Cut, sawed, and dragged, and as the hours passed it became clear that we wouldn’t make the five thirty deadline. We sure gave it our best shot, at times doubling it up the mountain, but it was all for naught. We’re gonna have to do another half day at the very least. That were a LOT of trees. Yikes. *sigh* Blasted deadline! Grrr. No matter, though, it’s only time, and as long as I look at it as fitness, who gives a bloody heck, right?

Getting home at six thirty, we unloaded wood from the car…since we have to get rid of the wood anyway, we took most of the thick stuff along for boiling of dog food and such. Got a nice batch, so in that regard we don’t mind all that much going again, there’s a bit more wood, so we’ll get something out of the extra hours. Hah.

But okay, once at home, we quickly helped cousin Ed load up the Opel for the Sunday market. It took only half an hour at this time. That done, I mixed a mayo and yogurt sauce for the potato and veggie salad cousin Ed had already prepared, at which time I was running on fumes and headed to my cabin for a nice little nap of about forty five minutes. Didn’t actually drop away, but it allowed me to stay awake afterward ‘til normal sleeping time, so, yay!

Which brings us to today, doesn’t it?
Well, I slept solidly. So solidly in fact that I didn’t even realize that it rained buckets during the night, until grandpa told me about it. Hah. Was nice enough, considering it meant that we didn’t need to go into the yard for watering at least. Just a bit of planting and harvesting instead. Hah.

For the rest of the day I worked in the carport. That decorative car I’m restoring? Well, it’s certainly getting there. I sprayed it with a lacquer that made the red paint I used on the body shine beautifully. Seriously, I will be posting pics of the process and the end result. Next Sunday the sibs and mom will try to sell it at the market.
In the end the wheels took most time, though. I had to get the rust off, and then paint all the tines and ridges. Not easy. Mixed a special paint for it too, seeing as I didn’t like silver or black with the reds and browns of the car. Ended with an iron gray/slate color. It’ll work nicely, I think.

That done, I started on restoring a small metal amphora standard that was so rusted that the old color had peeled and the shape had become oddly contorted. Ended up sanding and metal brushing the whole thing before painting it with a deep red metal paint. Will have to do the latter again, but what the heck. It’ll look nice for sure.

As for the markets, they didn’t go bad apparently, but not as good as they could have either. Cousin Ed sure had fun stories to tell. Her sunshield went flying, her clothes-rack toppled over and, well, the wind was a peach. Patrons were running all over the place trying to help her catch everything. Hah.

Editing...well, not much time for that the past few days, darn it. Time, energy and all that jazz is spread a little thin at the moment.

Akata (husky) really isn't doing well. Age is really catching up on him, I fear. He's from '98/99 at least, and well, now he really doesn't wanna eat anymore, and is just lying there, sleeping the day and night away. *sigh* So sad that.

Well, that’s it for today. Gotta go and all that. Let’s hope that the next time I write the trimming job will be done, eh? Hah.

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