Right. Where to start? Well, writing has been going well these past couple of days. During the last two sessions I have added fourteen pages, I think, and though one scene was completely, and utterly about the S-E-X thing, I think it is working out nicely. I know. I can hear you ask, why write those if you complain about it. Because it’s the genre. It is expected, and in a way it fits. *sigh* Though admittedly, if it were allowed in the genre, I would probably easily find a way to leave the reader to his/her own imagination at the closed door, hah. But no matter, the book is getting there, and today I got to compensate with a rather sad scene about love lost etc. etc.
Nice tidbit, I got my new quilt and matching curtains…well, the other way around, really. I asked mom to fix me some curtains and she had some stuff left of that and used it (as a surprise) to make a matching quilt. Hung the curtains this morning. Took about half an hour, which was well worth it. It looks great…of course I can’t put the quilt on the bed permanently yet because Sitabah is in heat. Darn it.
Here, have a looksee:

Nice huh. Matches the walls and everything. Yay.
But anyway, my stomach is playing up a lot again these days. Had a hurling session the other day (oh please don’t let the two year vomit start again) which was just peachy. This morning was almost a repetition of that, despite the fact that I didn’t actually have anything in my stomach to hurl. *sigh* Stupid effing stomach. One moment you think you can fully focus on getting your nutritional shortages worked up again, and the next. Blergh! Like I said, stupid stomach.
Whatever. Yesterday morning was all about normal chores and getting some stuff from the upstairs storage to actually put some sort of furniture inside the igloo for when Visitor arrives.
Added to that, I helped tenant wrap a present for her daughter. Something she picked herself the other day and just insisted we sent there, so yeah, that had her so pleased she opted to stay up in the old horse paddock.
Writing done for the day, it was cooking supper and out into the yard, watering the plants. That done, we headed out with the car, picking up a donation in town. Which was fun for a change, seeing as we got the chance to test drive the Land Rover properly. Purrs like a kitten, she does. Hah.
Didn’t get home until eleven so the remainder of the day was spent doing some catching up online, doing my messages, chats and such. Nothing too serious. Didn’t get to bed ‘till one thirty, but was still earlier than usual, meaning I was on time getting up this morning. Hah. Had a strange dream about being in the States. It was a small town with a white clapboard church (with a pink front door, no less. Hah) and a colonial style, yellowish colored post office on a crossroad with a traffic light. It was warm there, but also green. Makes me wonder what place it was, you know. If someone knows it, do let me know, I’m more than a little curious. Hah
Today, well I woke up on time, and went through the morning chores before heading up to the car and unload. That took a little while, and afterward big brother and I hung my new curtains. By then it was one thirty, meaning that we were late starting work on the book. No matter, though, had a productive day regardless.
Today tenant had enough energy to want to go down to basin terrace. Had a nice afternoon there, while I wrote and then worked on the tie dyes with Cousin Ed. Got another nice selection going, a couple really gorgeous ones which we’re going to try out tomorrow. One will be my own, of course. Well, it will depend on how it looks on me. Deep dark blue tie dyed with soft pink, whitish and gray. It looks rather gorgeous, but who knows what happens when I pull it on. It might make me look fat, or something. *snort*
We’ll see. Otherwise it will look nice on the clothes’ rack.
That done, I replaced big brother in the yard, so that I could water what was left of the yard and he could make satay sauce for the pasta we boiled earlier. Yummy. Then it was up the mountain to my cabin, and this blog, of course.
Well, I’m calling it a day. There’s not much to mention anymore, so here's some dog pictures. Hah
Arthur, of course. Doesn't that look uncomfortable?

Knight II with Chamea. Seriously, how the Knight manages to fold into chairs like that...

Tadayka on her usual spot under me while I'm writing. Hah.

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