I’m late, late, late. Eleven thirty now that I start with today’s blog, and in the best case scenario I’ll be done with this blabber when midnight strikes. If I’m not lucky, I’ll still be at it around one. Don’tcha just hate it when focus scatters the moment you try to get something done?
So, we’re having a proper scorcher at the moment. Temps that either crossed 100, or hit close to it during the day, and are now, close to midnight, still temps in the nineties at the moment. Seriously, it’s like I’m standing in a blow dryer at the moment…which is not necessarily a bad thing considering I just came back from a half hour jog. Didn’t go bad, what with my sore legs and feet, in fact, they were doing decidedly better afterward, which is a plus to say the least. I got my exercise, and my foot doesn’t feel like it is falling off right now, so, Yay!
As for the past couple of days…
Market day yesterday, so rather than just the morning chores keeping me busy in the morning, there was this foray into ironing the tie dye stuff before heading on down to the basin terrace where I spent about three hours writing 6 pages for the book. Not bad for a hurried day, if I do say so myself. Then, of course, I had to hurry making some peanut butter sandwiches for the rest of the day (luckily I already ate bread with lettuce, tomato, cucumber and cheese for breakfast, that way I got my vitamins in at least, hah). Took a quick dip, got dressed, finished throwing some last minute stuff in the car and we were on our way.
Arrived on the dot, got welcomed by the girl who runs the place, and took our time unloading. Was a nicely busy evening. Lots of patrons, mostly Spanish coming by, all smiling, all out for some fun and some of them actually out to buy. Hah. Sold a nice bit last night, which made the night profitable as well as fun. I like it that I’m slowly learning to have fun whether we make money, or not. Nothing is quite as bonkers as letting your mood depend on other people’s mood to buy. Hah.
Tried a different setup this time, which worked well, I think. Did tables on the outsides, and the higher stuff in the middle near the cute classic-style lanterns. Made everything jump out properly, and yes, loads of people stopped to look.
Talked with several folks, including the Spanish lady from the first time who seemed to be in a better mood than the last time. Also an African fellow who wondered if we’d be interested in selling really inexpensive bags from India. Hah. He was friendly when we told him that it was a nice thought, but that we were already fully supplied.
Had a lady customer, I think she was Russian, who loved the bags (called them art) and really set her sights on one. Only problem was she’d left her money at home, so she asked if we could put it aside and she’d be back asap with money. We set the bag aside and took on a “let’s wait and see” attitude. But she didn’t lie, within an hour she was back and flapped a fifty in our faces.
Swallowed on that one, since we had no idea if we had change to break that note. No problem, though, casually she pointed out the tie dye dress on the rack, and said she wanted that one as well. That made it all a lot easier for sure, not to mention took the pressure off the evening since we basically had our expenses back. Yay.
The photographer was doing his thing again, and we chatted for a bit. His name was Claren and you can check his work out on Facebook under Blueberry Marbella. Both cousin Ed and I are on one picture with our backs turned. Hah. Excellent timing, eh? *chortle*
Here’s my own pic of yesterday’s setup.

The last sale of the day were two handmade snuglies by this very nice Spanish lady, who first begged and pleaded with her husband (she claimed) and then with us to ask if she and her friend both took one they could have one each with a five Euro discount. Checked that, of course, and yes they could, so everyone was happy. Guess putting that dummy with the snugly and baby front and center really paid off.
But anyway, normal time, around fifteen minutes before midnight, we started loading up, and were on our way home just a little before one in the morning. We got home close to two, but big brother fried some food, so we were happy and full by the time (3 AM) I crawled into bed and passed out.
Considering that the air gets rather moist at the evening market, the fun didn’t stop yet today. After the morning chores it was up to the old horse paddock to hang out all the merchandise and dry it properly for Sunday’s market. I only managed to haul out most of the dog beds before it was time for me to start on the writing for the day, but cousin Ed spent most of the day doing it all. Definitely a con of the evening market, that. Moisture is not good for natural fabrics.
My focus was shot most of the writing session, but did in the end manage to write a solid five pages for the book. Intense scene today. Sad too, seeing as “the love” seems hopeless to both hero and heroine at the moment. *sigh*
Writing done for the day, there was a massive pile of dishes to do, and horizontal surfaces to clean before I started on today’s supper. Chili sin carne today, seeing as there’s a mountain of white beans we still need to eat some day. Hah.
The dogs were remarkably quiet today, which wasn’t surprising, considering the temps. They were basically passed out on the tiles, barely opening an eye if I moved past. Smart dogs. I bet I’ll get Chaos to go in the pool tomorrow morning, poor darling. His eyes are drooping the way they tend to do when he’s really hot.
So there were the plants to water, a bit of harvest to be collected (got some massive beets, baby. Am totally eating those tomorrow) and then hurrying up in the last bit of daylight to chop dog veggies. Had company, of course, seeing as the little bastards love stealing raw veggies while we’re cutting. Worst ones are Chamea, Tadaika, Kollosus, Clue, and Rammi. The latter who is deaf and uses that advantage ruthlessly by just grabbing that coveted tomato despite me saying, “No Rammi. Get the heck outta here!” time and time again. Clue and Chamea fake convenient deafness too, but I know better. Hah.
Well, that’s it for me. I’ve got sleep to see to and all that jazz.
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