
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

Barely made it

Song of the day: “Come on” by Will Young. Still a good one, and in this case deliberate since I’m trying to get a very annoying children’s rhyme from my head. *sigh*

First off, yesterday was a “working” day at Liane’s so we once again got up early for that. An hour earlier than the normal wake-up time, gave just barely enough time to get the normal morning chores done. A dip in the pool, walking the visiting dogs, hanging laundry and then up to feed the dogs for the day. Barely had any time left to feed ourselves after that, but what the heck, we were on our way only five minutes behind schedule, meaning we arrived at work at the appointed time.

Was a clear and sunny day, and we didn’t dawdle because there was a big chance that we had to go home in time to pick up the Opel at the garage. Since Monday the garage is closed, we’d be without it for another three days, so if at all possible, we wanted to pick it up. But anyway, first thing up was checking if the pool was still properly attached everywhere, and then, with that ascertained we got to work on the fence itself.

First came the lines with the tensors, which took us a solid two hours and sore fingers…not to mention a load of little cuts because I forgot we had gloves in the car somewhere.

Me: How do you want this wire?
Big brother: Just attach it.
Me: Like this?
Big brother: Sure.
I started attaching it, he turns and frowns.
Big brother: Why are you doing it that way?
Me: What way? You said you wanted it attached like this.
Big brother: No. Do it the other way around otherwise the fence will float there.
Me: Then why didn’t you say that when I asked?
Big brother: I didn’t realize until you started attaching it.
I sigh, laboriously unwind the wire and start over, the other way around.
Big brother: Why are you doing it like that.
Me: Like what?! (exasperated)
Big brother: You like cutting up your hands?
Me: Not particularly.
Big brother: Then why are you not wearing gloves.
Me: I hate those clunky ones you took. The seams cut in my fingers.
Big brother: So you rather have metal cut in your fingers.

He had a point, so I donned the clunky gloves, worked with them a solid hour before I went to the car to get something from my bag and discovered that grandpa had put my good gloves in there. *sigh* Only ended up with about nine cuts in the end. Hah.

Knight II didn’t mind yesterday at all. I think that he is finally getting used to the other place, seeing as there are now moments that he will actually stay on a different terrace because he wants to lie in the shade or sun while I am elsewhere. Now he only checks on me every ten minutes or so, and occasionally follows me from car to working location and back again, hoping I forget to close the door, letting him get in on the soft couch. He’s such a couch potato!

After three hours of work, we took a short break, ate some grilled cheese sandwiches under the house overhang and discussed our progress. Decided that we’d hang the fence in the next couple of hours, then take another short break, eat some more, and then finish up attaching the fence everywhere. Of course, in the midst of hanging the fence, putting tension on it, my phone rang. The car was ready for pick up, so our time limit just went down by a full hour if we wanted to manage leaving at 16:45 h.

We discussed again, continuing to hang the fence, decided to skip our second meal and worked straight through until at ten to five we finished the fence…well, I finished my part, and while big brother finished his by tacking the fence to the corner poles, I ran back and forth gathering tools, pieces of plastic, metal pieces and everything else that wasn’t supposed to be there. It was exactly five when we turned off the power, the water and tore down the mountain as fast as the car would go…which isn’t all that fast considering the state of the road. Hah.

Went home doing our best not to break speed limits, and at fifteen to six, about two miles from home I was forced to call the garage to tell them we weren’t going to make it before six. There was some discussion as I suggested they leave the car out and I would just pick it up with the spare keys, at which point they suggested they wait for us before closing up. Yay.

Picked up mom and little brother who needed to go to Malaga, and then rushed down our mountain to town and the garage. Got the keys, discussed the problem with the mechanic, paid the bill and were on our way. Phew. Got it all done…and got news that we could pick up a donation of food for the dogs…double yay.

Oh, before I forget. I got some new shoes. I saw them at the store, these rounded soles, with thin heels and thin toes. I’m going to see if that is at all beneficial to my feet, seeing as it is bound to stretch my plantar tendon. Walked on them most of the day, and though my feet are tired, the burn isn’t all that bad.

Really finished the book’s writing yesterday. The last scene is in, and the connect scene is in place. Such a relief there. At the moment we’re discussing our options. Since big brother is still in the middle of the first edit, and I need some distance from the story before starting on it, I’m either going to write the next book, or am starting on an edit of Commanding Morgan, of the Rising Sun series. I’m not sure yet. I’ll let you know when I figure it out.

This morning Sally discovered that she is losing her hair. She rubs through it, and a whole bunch goes out, so she decided to have me shave the whole lot off. Not a pleasant experience for her, since her head is hurting somewhat fierce. Strangely enough her head felt better after the shaving bit, some of the pain left.

The majority of the afternoon was spent loading up the car, sorting through the tie dye selection, hanging them out, folding them up and then putting them in a suitcase for transport. Luckily there wasn’t as much to load as usual, seeing as we’re not sure as to the size of our spot yet. This will be our first time at the day market, and they run it differently, apparently. Let’s see if tomorrow work, okay. Who knows, it might end up in a disaster, or a success. Only one way to find out. All I know is that I have to get up early to get there in time. Hah.

After loading up, it was time to head on down into the yard, give the peppers some water, harvest a lot of them, and then, while big brother cut dog food, I got to work on supper. Had a fresh tomato sauce, fried peppers with corn, and spaghetti with grated cheese over it. Went down well, thank you very much.

Did some reading for a different project, spent more time on it than planned and then at ten thirty headed out for a late jog, which I really, really needed. Didn’t even go all that bad, all things considered. Was somewhat exhilarated afterward, despite the fact that I was a tad sore from yesterday’s hauling and bending.

Time for bed. Gotta be up and about in six hours.

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