
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, March 28, 2013


Song of the day: “Hey Na Na Na” by Vaya Con Dios. It’s an oldie, I know, but sometimes those just work best…talking about old, I had Vivaldis “Spring” in my head for a bit, late this afternoon.

Wednesday. Boy, does a week go fast. Last week we had our first Spanish lesson, and right now the second one is over and done with. Wonky thought. It didn’t go bad, despite the fact that these days my brain feels like some sort of sieve. One moment I’m repeating some word that would e infinitely useful in the future only to forget it again within ten minutes. *sigh* But no matter, I will darn well (re)learn some of the basics, even if it kills me.

It has been a busy couple of days, in particular since there was lots of going to the village/town. Feels like we’ve hardly been at home at all these past couple of days. First there was just me driving to town to drop the Land Rover off at the garage, only to be distracted with everything going on and ending up with a speeding ticket *gasp*!
Yep. Popped my cherry there. My first ticket ever. Grrr. Was going down and incline, thinking way too deeply, only to have something flash, and me think “ what the…” only to be flagged to the side of the road the next second by a couple of Guardia Civil.
They weren’t unfriendly about it, so I can’t say it was particularly traumatic. I was just momentarily chagrinned about the entire ordeal while I considered the funds I’d have to dig out my savings. Grrrrrr.

Soon I was back on my way, (one of the fellas apologized for being tardy with the ticket. Technology stinking, and all that) heading straight for town where I needed to refill the butane bottles at the distribution center. Next I popped into the supermarket for bread and cheese (due to the arrival of Olive and Jane, I had to explain some things for tenant’s care to them, rather than have breakfast) and then brought the car in. The moment I drove in and set it on the bridge the mechanic did an “oopsie, you might have an oil leak” which made me swear and then roll my eyes as I headed down to shoot the breeze with the receptionist for the next half hour or so…or maybe I should say I did some serious bitching about this month. Jeez!

Luckily she can relate, considering she had a near miss with death at the hospital at some point in the past month, because they gave her a wrong antibiotic that made her bone marrow stop making red blood cells…which had me going, like, “okay, you win. You’re month was worse.” Hah.

But anyway, the supposed leak turned out to be nothing. Thank you very much! And the problem we’d come there for wasn’t a problem at all. Yay! That was settled with twenty bucks for there time, so I was seriously happy at the end.

Once home (took a slight detour through the country and almost got stuck in a river, hehehe) big brother and I did some edits prior to heading out for a donation that will work well as dog food in the near future. Seriously, we got a big, bit load of veggies so that’s going to help.

Tenant is not doing well…at least, it is not improving. At the moment she just wants to sleep, can barely sit up anymore, and is just drifting away from us. Rather sad, if you think about it, but wherever we turn in an attempt to help her, to find out what is amiss, we are being sent elsewhere, or are told that it is just age playing parts on her. So frustrating, but since our talk with the GP there is not much choice than to accept it as reality. Such a strange thought that someone who has been part of our lives for some odd thirty years, might soon not be here anymore. Accepting is difficult, but…no choice really.

There were more edits both yesterday and today. And did I mention laundry? Feeding the dogs? Swearing at the Knight for touching his sock again? And cooking?
Well, I won’t bother you with it, I promise. Just the usual messes, partly interrupted by big brother and I stopping at the vet’s with Empera (German Shepherd) who appeared to be getting worse during the night. The vet has now prescribed her Cortison and valium so she’ll keep nice and quiet. Glad she’ll be in less pain, because last night she was really uncomfortable. Even crying a little at times.
We have set off a corner for her where we work, so she won’t be locked away from us.
Lastly we had to pick up another donation, which, prior to cooking supper (ratatouille and spaggetthi) and a nice little mash for tenant with some chicken in it.

I managed to choke down some meat this afternoon, but just barely

Which brings us to the end of today’s blog. I need sleep!

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