
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, March 30, 2013


Song of the day: …hmmm. I actually don’t know the title. It’s from Andy McDowell, the song she sings in the movie Michael. It goes like: “I’m sitting by the side of the road, in the middle of nowhere…” Incredibly cute song, and it does pop up in my head every now and then. Today I had “the Lion Sleeps Tonight”, which is awesome.

I overslept…oh wait, let me do “a big brother” and phrase that properly: I slept in yesterday, so I got my full seven hours during the night for a change. Hah.

So we have another visiting dog. Mom went to fetch him from the local pound (there’s some serious trouble going on at the pounds due to the economic crisis. Seriously, there’s rumors that would horrify you) for a friend of ours, who wishes to give him a new home in the Netherlands. It’s cute little fella of the Brittany breed. He has about one speed, which is full throttle, and just looking at him moseying around, is exhausting. Seriously, an energizer bunny doesn’t have anything on this little fella. Since he doesn’t have a name yet, I’ve decided to call him Hairy for the duration of his stay. Hah. Luckily he and the other visiting dogs get along just fine, and he is affectionate to other dogs as much as humans.

I had a rather nightmarish dream where I was trying to shape Spanish sentences, only to end up with “que pena” (what a pity) time and time again. Very frustrating. So when big brother called me on the phone I was more than a little grateful and got up fast to rush through the morning rituals.
There was laundry and such to be done, of course, but considering that it is incredibly boring to relate to you my OCD tendencies when it comes to wet laundry and clothes pinchers, I figure I’ll skip that again. *snort*

Instead big brother and I grabbed Carla, put him on the table and finally tackled his infected ears. It wasn’t fun, for none of us, but after shaving, mopping up, and soaking his ears we were haggardly satisfied with the end result, and watched Carla mosey off much happier.

Editing wise yesterday was a good day. Managed to get a total of seven pages done of the latest project. A good thing too, considering we managed less than four today. *sigh*
Time is so fleeting these days.

Tenant has been…well, things are still the same in that regard. There’s this big struggle going on with her claming she’s not thirsty or hungry, and us trying to convince her of the opposite. Today didn’t go all that bad, however. By feeding I managed to get her to eat two cups of mashed fruit, and one cup of mashed veggies with chickpeas, and some mashed apples as desert. Added to that she’s drank some fruit juice, and some water, so all in all, despite her not making her quota, it didn’t go bad. Let’s keep our fingers crossed.
Her daughter did write a rather splendid bit of news today that she’d found this whole batch of old photos, going back as far as 80 years, all of them involving tenant’s past. She’s going to send them to see if that might wake tenant up a little. It better, because right now we’re battling bed sores. We’re going to have to put a sheepskin under her.
Yesterday big brother had to go with caregiver to the village infirmary so they could check on the tubing attached to tenant’s kidney. Since big brother is the only one who can carry her, he became the automatic volunteer for the task. Sally, who had walked into a chair with her barely healed shin (bled like mad again), had to go along as well so the doc could check out the damage. Luckily everything went well.

Did plenty of cooking the past few days. Saltless stuff for tenant, but some decent dishes for us too. Made Broccoli soup, chickpea patties, Chilli, and ratatouille with pasta, and of course pasta with a creamed mushroom sauce. Each dish worked out well. Tasteful and nourishing, which is all that really matters, for as far as I’m concerned.

Went out for some groceries, and a load of firewood. Took some time to load up, but the trip was well worth it.

This afternoon was spent (rather wonderfully) in the sunshine, chopping my way through weeds. Seriously, what with the rain these past weeks, weeds have been growing like mad, coming up to chest height. It was good therapy going through it with a hand scythe, hacking, chopping, creating a decent path through which we could move unhindered. Will be plenty of compost in the near future.

Well, this will have to be it for now. I’m missing stuff, but what the hey, you won’t miss what you don’t know about, right? *wink*

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