
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, June 28, 2013

Laughing fit

Song of the day: “Foolish games” by Jewel. It’s been a while since I had Jewel in my head. Good song.

I stole an extra twenty minutes of sleep yesterday morning, which was divine. Then of course the day started and chores had to be seen to. Put a bit of rush on it, because it was our turn to go visit tenant at the hospital. First did some writing. Not a lot, but some at least. Same goes for this morning. So much to do, so little time. Every free second I can find, I’m now putting into the photo blog, figuring out how to format it, how I’m going to do the whole thing when I barely have enough time to spend a full night sleeping, hah. Ah well, I’ll sleep when I’m dead, right?

Went to town to pick up oil for the Land Rover, did a pick up of a donation, which took longer than anticipated, and then had to drive straight through to San Pedro where we had and appointment with a fella who makes metal contraptions for markets. Since the one mom borrowed from a friend has to go back now that the fella has transportation again, she’d been frantically searching for a solution. Luckily I had saved the card of this guy when he came past at the market looking for clients, so now we could buy a decent replacement…even if we did have to travel for more than an hour to get it.
But anyway, the guy met us as the appointed time at a gas station, and had us follow him into this really remote area in the back town, where he opened up his van and started pulling out what we needed. I phoned home to check what all mom and the sibs wanted and then made a deal with the guy.

Nice fella. Lived in Paris for 24 years, and was married to a French woman. His French was almost as good as his Spanish, for crying out loud. I was so jealous. Hah. But anyway, once we loaded up, we were back on our and arrived at the hospital after five to visit with tenant.

At first I was a little startled that she was so far gone, but then she really woke from her mental wanderings and became really cheerful. We chatted for quite a bit of time, and she was in good spirits by the time we had to leave again.

Had a quick supper of my patties on burger bread, unloaded the car, and then quickly got to work on the book again.

Which brings us to this morning. Was a little early for a change (fifteen minutes, no more, don’t worry) and decided to just go for it. Quickly went through the chores, fed the dogs, which they loved because we had meat in it, and they were, like, “Oh yeah!” It was hilarious to see, in particular the fat dogs that did their vacuum cleaner imitation so splendidly.

Worked on the book, of course, quickly stuffed my face with breakfast, and then, by the time two hours had passed, it was time to go up to test out the new construction for the market. We set the whole thing up, tried out the fabric over the top (colorful sort of fabric, this time round. Red with blue, very much like tie dye. Picked it myself. Hah.)
I think it’s going to work well tomorrow.

That done I got to work on making patties for Sunday. Made the three basics, chickpea, lentil and bean, of each about thirty-two I think. That took an hour or two, seeing as the whole lot had to be packed as well, but if they don’t sell, we’ll have food for several weeks, which is so easy. Hah

That done, it was time to load up the Land Rover. Had to rush it too, because we had to be at the vet’s before closing time with Knight II so she could check his ear. Still some liquid in there, but she rather not stitch him up again, so we’re going to keep trying the squeezing his ear out bit. He doesn’t like it, but if it can save him some more stitches, I’m all for it.

A quick trip to the vegetable distribution center gave us a nice load of veggies for the four-legged ones, and then we were on our way to the store to get some groceries for mom before heading back home. Gawd, groceries take sooooo much time. Once at home again, we finished up loading. Had a massive laughing fit when I was carrying a table to the car and was lifting it onto the roof-rack when I noticed big brother working on combing the hair of a Barby doll we intent to sell tomorrow…or at some point. Seriously, it was hysterical, and I had a stitch in my side afterward. Seriously, such a strange image.

For supper, we decided to go for fried food so I could do a little bit more writing before starting on today’s blog. Which means that I am now done (25 minutes too late, darn it. I should be getting ready for bed already) with this blog, and only need to do a pic on the other blog before I can call it a day.

Gotta go.

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