
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Slow days...I don't like 'm.

I wake at the usual time, but still being tired, I open the front door to let the dogs out and roll back under a blanket and snooze for another thirty minutes before I start with the morning rituals.

I’ve got quite a few kinks in my back when I wake the second time, but some serious stretches get most of them out before I get dressed and head on down to the house. It is workout day, and since I’ve been a tad lazy, I need to get to it fast, if I still want to do other things before it is time to bring mom to her doctor’s appointment.

What with not having done my exercises for three or four days, it takes me a while to get warmed up, adding about ten extras to every routine until the blood gets pumping.
Once my muscles are cooperating without protest, I grab my boxing gloves and start pulling them on. They’re a size bigger, and though they’re a little roomy over my palms, I do appreciate the extra length of support these gloves offer once I start on the jabs.

Like the other routines I add an extra ten to these, too, figuring that with my inactivity these past few days, the body can do with a little extra exercise.
Halfway through the punches and jabs, perspiration breaks out, requiring a pause when I’m out of breath, and right before the kicking is to commence.

It goes well. It seems that my body is finally adjusting to the new rhythm, accepting it and allowing for proper movements that are whole, smooth and pleasantly powerful. The boxing bag bounces around satisfyingly when the high shin kicks increase in speed and force, until at last the next routine needs to be dealt with.

The extras take quite a bit of time, making the entire workout last for up to eighty minutes when I finally cease and catch my breath with stretches, and the last routine of knee pull-ups on the bar. Eighteen today, meaning I’ve gone up eight since I first started doing them. Yay.

After my shower, a couple slices of bread (my stomach’s off again) and a mug of coffee, I settle at the computer to do some reading of the book I promised to review. It goes well, the story getting interesting and the first few paragraphs of the review written down. I manage two chapters, with big brother sitting across the table, asking me an occasional question about how he should write something down for the vampire book.

I’m actually sorry that there isn’t time to write today, but since I hate being able to get in only an hour at most with writing, I don’t even try since I will just have to quit halfway into a scene to get ready for our departure. Can’t stand such interruptions.

Book noting where I left off, I shut the computer down and head on up to my cabin to clean up a bit before heading for the doc’s office.

Luckily it takes little time, and when the sun disappears behind the horizon we’re back home to have the dinner little sister has prepared.
A wonderful vegetable mix on large thin pancakes, of which I eat as little as possible since I’m still feeling nauseous, that goes down relatively well if only because it tastes so well.
Next middle sister and I paint the storage closet doors for the last time, while I shift between doing that and helping big brother to attach the large clean laundry closet on the other side of the kitchen. As I’d feared, halfway through the meal comes back up again, but since I’ve had a good breakfast I don’t worry about it too much.

We had wanted to hang that door as well–it will match the others–but since we don’t have appropriate hinges we’ll have to postpone it ‘till another day. Big brother and I are in the midst of discussing whether or not we’ll add another metal hook to the bottom side of the large cabinet, when I notice something strange. Rather than my eyes being at mouth height, I’m staring at his nose.

That’s odd, and stating as much we take out the tape measure and check my height. 6’ 2”. Taking off 1” of the soles of my shoes it means that I’m an inch higher than I was since I last measured myself, several years ago. So, either something really weird is going on and I’ve grown a full inch, or the weight loss, along with the stretches that have me hanging on my arms have stretched out my spinal cord, which had undoubtedly been suffering some serious shrinkage over the years. Peculiar…and sort of funny.

Yadzia needs another shot today, so I deal with that after painting, giving the good dog an approving petting that has him wiggling his butt in enthusiasm right after the injection that he bears with a certain amount of resignation.
It worries me a little that the medicine doesn’t appear to have an effect at the moment, but I hope that by the time his second course starts in a month or so, the changes will occur.

Though it had been our intention to do more writing tonight, I’m a tad down from the doc visit, so we watch the Mummy III instead. It starts well enough, only to dwindle down, there at the end where a bunch load of action is crammed into ten minutes of images. What is it with the pacing in movies these days? ‘T is so very disappointing.

I would rant on about it for a while here, but since I’m going to try to get to bed early today, I’m just going to have to wrap it up here, and leave it for another time.

Upon arriving in my cabin–the temperatures have dropped considerably during the previous night, the heater is back on two bars–I feed my dogs and then spent some time transferring the photographs from my phone to the computer so I can load them onto Myspace some time in the near future.

Which brings us to the end of today’s recount. Not very interesting, I fear, but that is a part of life too, regretfully.

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