
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, February 3, 2009

So tired, without good reason

I’m going to keep today’s Blog a little short. I find myself to be exhausted for some reason, and the very thought of writing out something long and cohesive is making me want to whimper pitifully.

So, I wake late this morning, the alarm accidentally set thirty minutes too late…I’ve no idea how that happened, but okay, no real harm done in the end.
The dogs are restless, tugging at my blankets to get me out of bed, and making a regular nuisance of themselves until I finally throw the door open and watch them storm out into the mud.

The rain had gratefully let up, but the ground is covered with a thick, moist layer of mud that literally makes the soles of my shoes sink into them by the time I’m through with the morning rituals and head on down to the house.

Chores seem to take longer than usual, and big brother gets dragged into his own, not allowing us to settle down in front of the computer until just an hour and a half before it’s time to leave for our lessons, and grocery shopping.

We spent most of the time online, working on the publications at the printer’s, figuring out how to make some last minute revisions to the new format. It’s all rather frustrating considering that the time literally seems to tick in my head. Before we’re actually done, time’s up and we need to hurry.

Once at the school, we spent about ninety minutes doing tests, in the front lobby, rather than the over-crowded classroom, before time runs out again and we need to hurry on out to the car to start on the bimonthly groceries.

I’m in need of some warm sweaters; I’ve only got two of them left, and luckily I manage to find a sale in one of the chain stores at the mall where I’m able to buy four items for the price of one. Two sweaters, a vest and a T-shirt later we’re back in the car heading for the supermarket.

Once the groceries are done, we start back on our way home, carrying the movie “Wanted” and “Babylon A.D.” with us as a small reward for a job well done. Hah.
At home, after suffering through the usual jubilance of the dogs, we store all the purchases in record time and have dinner of the meal little sister prepared during our absence.

It’s good, and for the first time in weeks, after returning from school I’m actually not nauseous afterwards. We’re all pretty much done for after that, putting on “Wanted” a movie we’ve wanted to see for months now. (No pun intended.)
It’s not necessarily bad, the story had great premises, but I found it lacking in the execution of how they brought the story to the screen. A pity really: It could have been grand.

It’s already close to midnight by the time the movie is over, and after some channel surfing I gather the dogs and take them up to my cabin for the night.
Once I’ve fed them and read a few pages, I settle behind the computer to do a little more reading of the review book I’m working my way through at the moment and then log on for the final round of the usual places.

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