
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, March 29, 2009

Rainy day. Yuck.

My dream this night was much in the same theme as last night, only a little less detailed. Friggin’ zombies.
When I wake the sun is shining brightly, and a strong wind is rolling down from the mountain, setting the blooming mimosas in motion. There’s a wonderfully sweet scent in the air sweeping through the open windows of my cabin.

The dogs are restless, and I hurry to the front door to let them out into the open. They storm out full speed, Bommel going back and forth on the porch impatiently before turning back into the cabin and heading towards the back door instead. In the morning he likes the small backyard better than the great outdoors, and returns to a sunny spot inside to lounge while I go through the morning rituals.

Once down at the house there is a large batch of laundry waiting for me, needing to be hung on the lines that were blissfully empty for the past couple of day. Ah well, everything comes to an end at some point, I guess.

I feel a tad sluggish during the morning, and have trouble to get going while we talk with grandpa over breakfast. As it turns out he’s been feeling poorly over the past few weeks, and rather than “burden” us with it, he’s been keeping it to himself. That won’t do of course, so we spent quite some time talking with him, making sure that sharing his troubles is as important for us as it is to him.

He seems to feel better afterwards, so we get to the computer several hours late, and really don’t manage to focus on the necessary edit. After only a page the sibs arrive and once again we’re distracted from work as we get up to date on all the projects and find out that outside it has started to rain.

We’re all pretty bummed about that, especially since we had planned to head out into the garden again. Luckily we really aught to clean up the courtyard tool room, too, so together we get to it. It’s a mess in there.
The dogs, who have long since found a way inside decided to use it as a bathroom for some reason, so there’s a lot to clean up.

First thing that needs to be done is lugging out everything that isn’t supposed to be there, and drag it out to the car for disposal. It takes several trips, but in the end only tools, wood and supplies are left in the room, allowing us to start cleaning the floor properly. The spare pool tiles are scattered everywhere, tile glue has been torn open (the dogs, of course. For some reason they love the stuff) got wet and then turned into this big lump that’s stuck to the floor.

I actually need to apply the pick ax to get it loose, but in the end a full wheelbarrow of the white stuff is removed, leaving only the original red floor behind. It’s still messy, but at least we can move around without breaking our ankles, hah.

Next come the tools and supplies that need to be put away into the closets. While little brother sets to hanging the eclectic selection of tools on the boards we’ve put up for this purpose, middle sister and I sort through all sorts of boxes, bags and whatnot to put it into the suitcases that hold the home improvement supplies.

Several hours pass, and somewhere in the middle, little sister departs to head for the kitchen and start on dinner for the night.
We’re about two thirds of the way when dusk arrives and it’s time to call it a day and head on inside to have dinner. We’re all starving and the meal gets devoured in record time.

Afterwards I spend a little time to do some mending on my pajama pants, after which I set up my computer for tonight’s session of edits.
It’s slow going again, but we mange two pages of “Saving Nina” in the end. Twenty-five pages to go and we’ll be halfway through. Yay.

It’s cold by the time I need to head up to my cabin–it’s half an hour later and since DST is starting tonight, I’m an hour and a half late, drat–the air is moist from the low hanging clouds, and rain is still weighing everything down. Luckily the rain doesn’t actually come down until I reach my cabin and have dispersed the dog food for my hungry pack.

Another day has passed, and though I would have liked to be able to get some more editing done, on the overall it wasn’t a bad one.

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