
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, May 1, 2009

Strange day.

I’m late, late, LATE! darn it. But then, considering that on the overall today was a crappy one, I don’t suppose it will matter much one way or other. Hah.

The day starts out with me oversleeping, aaaargh…I hate it when that happens…and to add to the insult I dreamt about building the wall, all over again. I am so friggin confused when I wake up that I stumble to the door to check if the darn thing is still there.

It is, of course, so with the dogs storming out into the yard, I start on the morning rituals, grumbling about dratted dreams and the way they can seem so darn real that it freaks me out.

Upon arriving at the house I am feeling a little under the weather for no good reason, and literally have to force myself to hang and fold laundry before using the same forcing to have the breakfast I don’t feel like and sit down to start working on the edit.

It shows in the amount of work big brother and I do this morning: Only two pages, darn it. It doesn’t help that I need to give our tenant a lift to the bar where the ambulance is to pick her up. It seriously interrupts the session, as life so often tends to do.

The fun ain’t over yet either, since we have stop the edit early too, because we really need to get a new load of rocks and end up finding none in our usual spot. Major disappointment!
Luckily, by that time the warm spring weather is improving my mood a bit, and little sister and I end up doing a short jog over the forest path, just for the heck of it.

We head on home, little sister has made plans of her own and really can’t spare the time when big brother and I decide to drive around a bit in search of a different location for rocks.
It is a nice drive really, one that takes us up a narrow winding road up the mountain.

Once high in the air, the plant life changes considerably and we do manage to load up the back of the truck to satisfaction. By the time we return home, the sun is setting and after unloading the new batch, big brother, grandpa and I spend some time clearing the mess in the carport and carrying down the forty pound bags of dog food for storage under the roof. It is during such chores that I really do notice that the workouts I’ve done over the month have improved my general health. I can carry two of those bags without much effort now.

Next, we shift the larger rocks that we unloaded there into the center garden, at which time I need to head on out again to pick our tenant up. I’m a few minutes early, but it doesn’t really matter since the sun goes down anyway and we have done all we could during the daylight hours.

Once back at the house and soothing my frantic pack, I end up making a quick snack for myself…no one felt like cooking, really…and eat it while we watch and episode of “Life”.
There are some news reports that snag our attention. Apparently there was an attempted attack of some sort on the Queen of the Netherlands, right there in a town we frequented a lot, back in the day.

It’s all quite impressive…shocking, sure, but impressive nonetheless. As it turns out, some nut decided to drive his car full speed into a large crowd, wounding more than a dozen and killing five. Always strange to see such disasters strike in places that you remember being at, at some point in your life. Brings it closer, I guess.

Afterwards, big brother and I attempts another edit session, but add only one more page before the evening draws to an end and I take my dogs up for the night.

Strange day.

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