
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, June 30, 2009

#2 got in. Yay!!!

Hmmm. I have very little to report today - activity wise - simply because it is a hot day and moving about needs to be done at an infinitely slow pace, lest you end up drowning in sweat. Hah. It starts out early, the temperature already rising when I open my eyes and stare up at the ceiling and feel it pounding at the cabin.

There is a bit of good news though; grandpa phoned just as soon as I let the dogs out, with the news that a letter from New York arrived this morning, and that he would bring it to me immediately. Oh goody. Actual, old-fashioned snail mail: it’s a rare treat these days.

Okay, I don’t want to get my hopes up…and at the moment getting a letter such as this really isn’t a good time, what with all of us still waiting for the first publisher to give a verdict…but I slowly open the envelope and squint at the letter it contains. It’s a weird one, I immediately see: Apparently they like the idea of “Saving Nina” and checked a box where they request to see the first three chapters.

Talk about mass productivity. I could never get away with that, but what the hey, if they want it, I’ll gladly accept such an off-the-rack letter any day. Hah. Besides, as I understand it those folks over there are way busy with…ehm, lotsa stuff.

I am thrilled, I really am; since it is definite proof that the first response to the query letter was not a fluke and that we did a good job of putting together a tempting proposal. Yay!
So anyway, the first one from last week hasn’t given a response yet, and the second doesn’t actually have it yet but still, there’s a good chance at the very least. Now it’s up to waiting for what’s going to happen next with that. The suspense is sorta like watching an action flick: “What’s next? What’s next?”…since I thoroughly enjoy spoilers, you can imagine my chagrin.

Oh wait, Song of the day: “Lip service” by Wet Wet Wet. Such a fun song.

The heat makes it a little difficult to focus this morning, and by the time I finish with the laundry…a nice big batch that keeps me occupied for at least forty minutes…I settle behind the computer and spend a few hours rearranging sentences for “Hunters”, the latest project.

So let’s talk about the new project for a bit, shall we. Otherwise this particular blog is going to be dreadfully boring.
What is it about, really?
Well, it is a very basic story, really: Daughter or a renowned mobster, Lilly Howell fled the country five years ago with her husband (of a day), to start a new life on his island of birth, located in Micronesia. On the island they’ve led a quiet life as the physicians they had studied to be during their time of courtship. A year ago, when Lilly got pregnant, her husband died in a disastrous typhoon that killed a large number of the islanders, who were at that time out on the ocean, fishing.
Now, Lilly’s brother Lee and his mobster boss have arrived, (Lee’s a weird one, and doesn’t care much about anything or anyone, including his sister) to hide from the DEA who want to prosecute them for their crimes.
This is when the fun starts; the mobsters, looking for food in the native village, cause the death of a villager and this makes Lilly take steps to contact the DEA to let them know where to find her brother and his cronies. This is the night on which her brother (her twin) is ordered to shoot her, and does. (So sad)
Several days later, having received an anonymous tip that has sent them on a semi-official trip to Micronesia, three DEA agents arrive on the utopian island.

It’s going to be an action adventure/drama/romance, and I’m looking forward to the day when the muses hit me with a new scene to bite into. Hah. One is lurking in the shadows, I know it, but today it hasn’t reared its little head as of yet.

But anyway, since the creative juices refuse to jumpstart today, big brother and I decide to knock off early for a change and head out into the hot afternoon sun so we can do some busywork on the car instead.
Middle sister, who’s got ridiculously long, not to mention thick hair, wanted to have trim, so rather than starting immediately we settle at the top of the mountain in the shade of a eucalyptus and remove a solid five inches before I start thinning the thick mass out. We’re both pretty satisfied with the end result that is cooler at the very least, and becoming on her.

There really isn’t much that I can do with the car except remove the texts the previous owner had printed on the doors. It isn’t a bad thing, since the temperatures are somewhat sweltering. Hah.

I don’t like the inactivity though, and decide to do some cleaning in the kitchen, right after hanging another batch of laundry. The outside of the drawers are a mess, and so are the panels, the fridge doors and cabinets. Once they’re all sparkling, I settle down for the meal mom has prepared and watch an episode of “Bones” before taking out the computer and work on the project a bit more. The muses are still not cooperation, so in the end I put it aside as big brother and I start to prepare the package for today’s publisher.

Since the one that’s already looking at the manuscript has an “exclusive reads only” clause on their site, we’re going to have to wait until we hear from them, before we can send it out, but it never hurts to be prepared in such matters. Better do too much than to little, I always figure. Hah.

With paper set aside, the cover letter set up, and the synopsis read through one last time (it’s still good and to the point) the evening comes to an end and it’s time for me to retire.

Once I head outside I’m welcomed by a wonderfully cool wind that does an excellent job of cooling my skin, which feels as if it has steadily been overheating during the course of the day. I really oughta do the blog on my porch, but since my seating arrangement has been set away while some cabinets are stored there, it really isn’t an option. Ah well, maybe I’ll remember to set something up tomorrow.

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