
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, July 2, 2009

Back to the grind. :-)

Song of the day: “These words” by Natasha Beddingfield. I love a lot of her work, so it was no big surprise that it was haunting me after hearing it on my MP3 last night.

I am late this morning, finding myself incapable of getting my butt out of bed, and snoozing off for another twenty minutes or so, before I finally manage the task.
Oversleeping: On the one hand, it is a pleasant thing to do, but on the other, it always annoys me. I can’t say why, really, it just does. Somehow, it always disrupts the pattern of a day, making it seem slightly out of whack, if that makes any sense?

But let’s try to keep today’s sum up short, shall we. It wasn’t a stellar day activity wise, so there isn’t all that much to tell anyway.

The day starts bright and early with a big load of laundry that needs to be folded, after the new is hung, and several others follow this particular chore before we can start on the day’s editing session…an hour after the one we had agreed on. No matter, though, it’s not like we had other plans today that depend on a tight schedule.

I take a quick dip in the pool, Knight II too. He’s a good swimmer, I’ll admit, but he’s never going to love it, I’m thinking. He took one trip through the small pool and then made a beeline for the exit, throwing me a rather baleful look over the shoulder, since I led him into the water by his collar.

No work on “Hunters” today, since we dive into “Commanding Morgan” immediately, but it goes well, we make a lot of progress in the three hours that follow and that always bolsters the spirits.

The day isn’t too hot today, and that’s good too; it’s a nice 33 degrees, with the sun shining brightly overhead. We don’t really notice, what with our decision to work inside, but what the hey.
Rather than working on the usual projects, we head up to big brother’s quarters. For several weeks now we’ve been intending to hang up three small dressers for his clothes, which he, up until now kept in plastic bags, and today is elected for this particular chore.

It’s a mess up there, what with big brother considering housework to be frivolous and unnecessary, so while I jump in every once in a while, to help out, I’m using the duster to remove many, many curtain-tick spider webs that cling to the walls and ceiling. (According to big brother they’re natural mosquito catchers, aaaargh.)

It takes a couple of hours, but in the end his room is relatively clean…and I use that word in the freest of forms, hah…and we head outside for a quick dip in the pool. Afterwards there’s the meal little sister prepared - fried couscous with veggies on the side along with yesterday’s pasta salad, yum - but I postpone eating it, since I promised our friend Danni to give her a haircut.

She’s just arrived and for the next half hour or so, I play hairdresser for her. Dinner consumed at last, big brother and I head to the back of the house where we attach the fence to the wall and pole we placed yesterday, and finally have the property fence complete again.

Since it is still hot, even with dusk rapidly approaching, we settle in the niche of the courtyard with the computer and do another edit; which brings today’s pages up to an even ten pages. Yay.

We work steady to midnight, and then it’s time to retire. I take the dogs up to my cabin, feed them, go through the evening rituals and then settle behind the computer for this poor excuse for a blog with my eyes dropping shut every paragraph, or so.

A good day, albeit a tad off, for some peculiar reason. Guess the past couple of weeks threw me off balance, ‘cause I’m tired enough to let this sum up stand as a blog. Hah.

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