
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, May 30, 2010

I made it. Yay.

Song of the day: “Lucky for you” by Espen Lind…that’s a long time ago, I think. I used to love this song. It was so much better than that other one “When Susanna Cries” and yet it wasn’t as big a hit. Strange how that works.

But anyway, I managed to fit it in, you see? Right back here, and I’m going to try to stop whining about what to do and what not to when it comes to the blog, ‘cause pondering about it is not going to help any of us. We’ll see how it goes. If I can fit it in, I will do one every other day, and if not, once every three days.

So what’s been going on, I hear you wonder *snort*. Just normal stuff, really. Work aplenty and time being way too short. The weather is downright splendid, however, seeing as of now I am sitting on the terrace, underneath a reed roof in the cool breeze. All every Mediterranean, especially since I’m wearing a straw hat, a sleeveless and a big ol’ tan…except my legs of course, which are still northern white, darn it. I’m going to look so weird by the time I start wearing shorts again. Hah.

We’ve been turning some patches of earth again, which is quite necessary since the time to put in the second batch of potatoes is nigh. The first meal of them came out the other day and they were delicious, and several were actually pretty big already. (We had to take them out because the plants were obstructing the pepper plants we put in around the patch.)

Sowing is also a highlight these days. We put in several trays of herbs and new rounds of zucchinis and such, taking the chance to get the new grown seedlings from their beds and putting them into pots for easy handling.

We’ve been harvesting dinner every day now. There are a huge load of zucchinis, after three days of saving up, green beans, our fourth or fifth round of chard, for two weeks now, I think, lettuce, and the day before yesterday, our very first beets which were delicious with home grown potatoes, onion and leek. Gawd, I could eat it again without any trouble whatsoever. Soon we’ll be eating white cabbage by the way. I know, it really is a winter veggie, but we couldn’t resist trying it out. Hah.

Of course there has been lots of watering going on. It is one of the disadvantages of farming ‘round here, I guess. Water is pretty darn expensive, but when we finish the basins for next year and use the entire winter to gather rainwater, we should be able to cut some of the expenses.

Before I forget; a new batch of cantaloupes, melons, zucchinis and pumpkins found their place in a mound at the bottom of the property. Very rich patch of soil, and lots of liquid down there, so they should do just fine.

Seeing as time is short again these days, I’m missing an occasional meal again, which I then substitute by yanking mini carrots from the ground and nibbling at them until the end of the day. Hah. They are delicious, so I really don’t care.

Fun bit: Knight II has developed this rather hilarious habit. Whenever we’re working in the yard and he is chained in the shade on the upper terrace, he can start whining about the hard ground. When he starts barking he isn’t (as one would presume, of course) requesting attention; nope, he wants someone to put a chair nearby, so he can flop his butt down on the seat and sit like a proper gentleman. Hah. I’ll post a pic soon.

Now that that construction of the greenhouse is temporarily postponed (for the summer, at least) we used yesterday’s spare minutes to clean up a little in front of the greenhouse, and put all the young plants and such on tables inside the structure. It looks much better this way, I assure you. Also, our potted youngsters have doubled, I believe.

Editing: On 30 pages or so to go now. The finish line (of the first edit anyway) is in sight, and, if we’re very positive about the situation we could, knock on wood, and all that, have it done within a week…since planning such things always end in disappointment, I’m just saying, “hey, there’s the finish line; let’s try reaching it “sometime” soon.” Hah.

But I’ve gotta say, that this vampire flick is starting to work nicely. There really are days when the writing is good, and the errors are minimal, and those are the days I long for every time. The book works, really. The characters are intense, funny and interesting, which is always a good thing, whether that involves fictional or real characters.

Good news, Tenant was able to lift her arm up to breast height, which is definitely a highlight for as far as I’m concerned. Seeing as she was still a little down, I think she could use some pride for it herself. It is strange that she’s feeling this way, in particular since she had so much fun going on a road trip with mom yesterday. Ah well, time changes everything.

Oh yeah, we chopped out a patch of soil, where we can put a couch and table, for when we need to water the plants late at night, and can take my computer along for a simultaneous edit. Can’t just sit there and do nothing after all. Hah.

And that’s it. Gotta go; I’ve got potatoes to plant.

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