
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, June 25, 2010


Song of the day: “Try” by Nelly Furtado, which was literally blaring into my head again this morning for no apparent reason. And that while I had the same artist with “I’m like a bird” yesterday. Maybe Nelly’s on my mind. Hah.

What’s been going on…yes, can you feel the blank coming up, I can. Hah. What’s up, what’s up. I think the pressure of this blogging thing is weighing on my shoulders, ‘cause the moment I start thinking of what I’m gonna write about in the blog, there’s a brain-freeze going on. *sigh*

So, I’m thinking, I’m thinking. Oh Gawd, yes, the read-through edit: Big brother had done thirty pages the other day, and just when we were about done for the day (five friggin’ hours!) my computer suddenly crashed. *gasp* I know, I had heart palpitations, almost had a nervous breakdown and swore a blue streak. We managed to recover 28 of the pages however, so…phew.
Seriously, I was about to hit the roof…if there had been any, considering we were sitting outside on the terrace. Hah.

Book chapters are in the mail, yay, and I feel stressed out about it, as usual. What if I did something wrong, what if I missed something, did I put the right address, write the right name, was it double spaced as is standard, etc. etc. It continues on endlessly, and I know I checked it all seven times at least, an yet I keep thinking of it. Drives me bonkers, I tell you.

Okay, yesterday there was a trip to Marbella, picking up a friend who spent the night. Her positive comment about sleeping over: the quiet is so wonderful, no people arguing…or copulating next door! Hah. Not that I can blame her. I would imagine that the quiet is rather wonderful if you’re used to living in an apartment close to a restaurant and noisy neighbors.
Apparently, the occasional dog bark and howl don’t count as noise. Hah.

We worked on the water works, naturally, and the first part is almost done. Same goes for the path that leads down from the bus. Nice lazy steps, on grandpa’s insistence, so it won’t be as steep as it used to be.

There was carrot soup, zucchini soup and of course, our favorite, potato with beets and cheese, which we literally devoured yesterday afternoon, right after the edit. Oh my, it was absolutely friggintastic. Hah.

Dogs are doing grand, Lhabana (Labrador) is losing weight at last, and Gada is happily toddling after her and Amri. So strange how she’s always bugging Amri, who snarls and barks at her for her to leave him alone, and then, when I keep her out of the way, he’ll come at her as if the say, “hey, why aren’t you bugging me?” Hah.

But anyway, that is about it for the past couple of really boring days. Just normal gardening stuff, and chores, such as cleaning the ears of Carla (cocker) who had a wound underneath the matted hair. Poor Carla, he really didn’t like the treatment, but in the end we managed to clean the culprit and send him on his way again.

Gotta go.

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