
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, June 27, 2010

Coming soon.

Song of the day: “Strength of a woman” by Shaggy. Fun song, though admittedly I don’t listen to it all that much.

Still not a lot of new stuff going on, really. For the majority of the past couple of days big brother and I were in the yard building constellations (I know, that’s not the correct term for it, I just like calling them that, hah) for the tomato plants. It’s all looking pretty darn cute. Yes, we lost a few tomatoes because we were too late with this particular chore, but no matter, we’re still going to have more of the things than we can possibly eat. It might even turn out that we’re going to be grateful for these particular losses, hah.

I’ve gotta admit that it is a rather wonderful chore, all things considered. Very calming to be up to your hips in tomato plants, figuring out where to put which stick in order to save the precious fruits. We’ve gotten to be rather creative in the entire process; the “constellations” literally go every which way making it rather jungle-ish down there in the yard. Considering the temperatures are rather wonderful, not too hot, even on the cool side, the effect is a personal little paradise. Yes, I’m seriously contemplating never going inside again. Hah.

Of course that is not an option, but it is nice to dream like that. I can see it, really. A hammock between the trees, my computer nearby, the dogs around me and I’d be all set.
Okay, enough fantasizing; let’s get to the important stuff like editing:

Yes, the read through is done…in record time, I might add. It was nice going through it one last time, in particular because my writing style changed so much over the past couple of years. I was far more…ehm, fluid, back then. More like a stream of consciousness rather than a symphony of words that I strive for these days.

Next week at the latest, W.I.’s “Hero” should be available on Kindle, yay. It will be nice to have that over and done with at long last, so I can focus fully on the big 2nd edit that officially resumed as of yesterday afternoon. On the high of the read through, big brother and I shot straight through into the first ten pages of “ATOL”. It was fun reading, so hopefully the remainder of the edit will stay that way.

I did some cleaning in my cabin, because let’s face it, it was a gawdawful mess…still is in fact, but at least my clothes are no longer lying everywhere. Hah. I still have to do the bathroom, the floor and…well, most of everything actually. No matter though, it is not like it’s going anywhere, the mess will be there tomorrow and the day after and after and…well, you get my drift. Hah.

The waterworks by the greenhouse are done, except for waterproofing the basin wall. We’re going to have to start with that one of these days and in all honesty I’m not really looking forward to that particular task. Especially not in full summer when the sun is shining straight down on the bowl of concrete, which is where I would be standing during.

At the moment I am sitting in a rather colourful spot. I’ve got yellow acacia overhead, loosing their blooms and sending them all over the place. A purple rain is blooming to the right, purple bougainvillea on the left with white and then pink oleander. Straight ahead there’s another purple flowing, with deep red oleanders and behind me a bright red hibiscus is proudly following the sunshine.
In one word, what with all the green around it: Beautiful!

Down in the valley there’s some sort of local festivity going on…just like every year, really. An hour or two ago there was a noisy procession coming past. Girls in colourful dresses, boys racing on mopeds and cars pulling colourful trolleys, or something like that. Now we’ll be listening to really loud music (it ain’t pop, I assure you) for at least three days, if not more. Seriously, you know how a carnival sounds, right? Imagine that 24/7. It can drive ya can and it will drive the dogs bonkers too, considering they get freaked out by the explosions coming from that way.

Well, time for me to get to the real edit. I just finished breakfast/lunch of French bread with lettuce, tomato, cucumber, fresh green herbs and onion, plucked right from the yard an hour ago, and with a nice sprinkling of salt, mayonnaise, curry gewürz, some grinded chilly peppers and of course cheese, it went down splendidly with the potato cookies grandpa made. I’m stuffed.

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