
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, June 21, 2010

Walking the Knight. :-)

Song of the day: “All this time” by Maria Mena. It’s been a while since I had this one, I think, so that’s a plus, considering that yesterday Queen’s “Bohemian Rhapsody was pounding on the inside of my skull over and over again. Nothing against Queen’s BR, mind you, it is naturally a classic and pretty darn brilliant, but if you’ve got Mike Myers as Wayne and his nerdy pall head-banging in your mind’s eye, while you’re at it, the whole is a bit too much. Hah.

I would like to say that something extraordinary has happened in the past couple of days, of which I can spout eloquent verses for a page or two, but no, just and average couple of days that were just the usual busy.

Gardening cannot be excluded, of course, and considering this was the weekend, which the younger sibs picked for the watering chore. That meant, of course, that big brother and I had some extra time to tackle other tasks.

Two paths got our main attention, on the overall, the one leading from the carport to the courtyard and the one leading from the bus to the yard. The first one we finished pouring the majority, bringing the entire path leading downward about halfway. Yay. The second one, bus-yard, was mostly working on constructing a little wall that will allow us to even out the slant and at least get a wheelbarrow (if not tenant) down into the yard. I’ll have to remember taking pictures, just for the heck of it.

Weeding is a constant these days, not surprisingly of course, but boy those suckers are growing. Now, on the most part I don’t mind them, seeing as a lot of said “weeds” are wild herbs and give the most delicious tastes to carrots, beets and even cauliflower. It is quite amazing in fact the spiciness of our own veggies, and the differences, they’re awesome. The same veggies in a different spot can taste completely different and that is an extraordinary experience.

We are finding the first fist-sized melons, by the way. Honey melons (American football shaped) and cantaloupes; both are now competing, and we’re going to see who wins. Hah. The Sandia (watermelon) is growing fast too, so there might be a race going on soon. And the tomatoes…oh my gawd, kilos and kilos of ‘m are appearing all over the place.

The in-between edit that we’re doing while we let the big edit project settle is going well, we’re half way through the novella now, so progress is being made. The minds are flexible, allowing for short and simple solutions are possible…which is a requirement for work material that is already copyrighted. There are days when I regret not being able to make big adjustments, of course, but it is good practise to have such limitations; it requires quick and smart thinking. Hah.

For the most part big brother and I have been putting five to six hours in computer work while sitting outside by the greenhouse terrace. That way tenant has some company while we all enjoy the shady and windy spot. It sure makes the summer bearable…though admittedly the weather is still acting funny. Like today, there are clouds again, and even a sense of rain, which would be outrageous this time of year, but we’ll see how it goes. Even just the clouds are saving us a mint in watering costs.

Knight II went along on a gravel pick up, and I allowed him to run free for a bit. The big lug is getting way too little exercise, so it is necessary. Heck, he was out of breath before I was. Hah. He enjoyed it, though, which is the most important thing.

For some reason I ended up with a split lip the day before yesterday (seriously, don’t ask, it’s embarrassing) and the stupid thing has been bugging me considerably. Grandpa, on the other hand, got something in his eye yesterday, which meant a quick trop to the emergency room where they washed the dratted kernel out in just a few minutes. He was all cheerful again when he got back from it, so very relieved that the thing was out.

Well, that sums it up, I guess. More light editing to do…gotta get that finished before we get back to the big project…and then back to work on the paths.

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