
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, June 18, 2010


Song of the day: “Let me Live” by Queen, of course. I don’t why I’ve got that song in my head but…well, I do, actually: we just finished with a several hours visit with the vet who vaccinated the majority of our pack in record time, and the majority of said dogs thought they were being brought to the slaughter house. Ergo: Let me live. Hah.

But seriously, it went well enough. The vet was properly prepared, the dogs behaved properly for a change, and the “operation” went smoothly. A name was called, a dog was fetched from the courtyard, papers were filled in, pills popped, syringes applied and stickers pasted. All in all smooth and without a hassle. *phew*

I do feel a lot lighter…in our wallets, ‘cause…YIKES! Talk about an expensive endeavor. Oh my Gawd, half our savings just went down the drain, only to need a repetition next year, and the next, and the next, until some idiot bureaucrat decides that it is no longer necessary to make such a fuss. *sigh*

What have we been doing these past couple of days? Excellent question, because even as I ask myself this, the past couple of days flow from my mind in an instant. Hah. There was watering the plants of course and lots of planting, oh yes, now I remember, we planted more than a hundred plants down in the yard and then harvested the remainder of the potatoes. Yay. I’m thinking that of the 25 kg of potatoes we planted we got back a 100 or more.

We’ve had some snakes visiting, there was no chance to exterminate them, regretfully, in particular the three foot long one that has taken up residence in the lower yard, most regretfully. There was also a small one inside the friggin’ pantry, but (much to our horror) one of the dogs got a hang of it and dumped it at little brother’s feet as some sort of oozing mush while he was having his late night snack. Eeeewww. I hate snakes, I’m sorry, but I do. We lost a dog to one once, darn it.

Edits, of course, what else would I be during the after noon hours when summer afternoons are (supposedly) hot. Seriously, in the shade it is actually chilly during the day, which is uncalled for this time of year, I tell ya. Even now there are still cloud lingering in the sky. I’m feeling very cheated of summer, I really do.

Yesterday afternoon was spent working on the path again, pouring concrete, putting in really lazy steps prior to hurrying down into the yard for the day’s hosing of the plants. It was a close call, what with darkness already falling by the time we were done, but we managed. Now, by that time I was just about ready to drop dead, but hung in they’re until midnight before taking my dogs up to my cabin and crawling into bed after a sixteen-hour workday. I think I was out in three seconds flat.

Well, the edit is waiting once more and I’ve gotta go see to it.

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