
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, August 31, 2010


Song of the day: “Brim full of Asha” by Cornershop. Rather annoying actually. It just goes on and on, and on. *sigh*

Well, another workday past. It went considerably better even though starting out was a near disaster. Okay, I’m going to need to explain that one, don’t I? Well, the thing is the Deawoo still needs to go for its check up, but every time we try to get it done, something goes wrong. The last time the garage dudes didn’t have a trade in and this time, I was just about done finishing my six drops in Fuengirola when mom called to say that she’d been forced to stop because steam was coming from the hood. Some guys were telling her that she shouldn’t drive with it, so I headed back to the care sales place and informed them of the problem. I got the Deawoo back, left the Land Rover parked there and went to pick up mom and little sister.

Once there, I exchanged cars, turned up the heat, on the car sales guy’s insistence, of the borrowed Opel Astra (horrible car for me, by the way. My head was against the ceiling, for crying out loud) so I could drive it back to the lot. Got there burning from the heat, but what the hey, got an assurance that the car would be ready for another exchange at eleven in the morning, and hopped back into the Land Rover to start on my route.

Went a lot better today. I only went really wrong once during the route. A location that I ended up at least six time last Monday, but who cares. Got the entire thing done within six hours, which should be able to go down to maybe five and a half in the future once I get a hang of it. So far I have located all the drop points of the main distributor except two. One isn’t too bad, but a place called Hannibal’s keeps eluding me, darn it. I’m going to have to ask where it is, of course, but I much rather find it myself. Ah well, no helping it.

My foot was of course excruciating at the end of the evening. It started around eleven, a whine, pinch, achy thing, and by the time I got home ‘round 2 in the morning, I could barely walk. It started with the annoying bit an hour later than the last time, so I think I’m getting used to it. Hah.

Rather than write yesterday afternoon (prior to leaving an hour early because the distributor was ahead of schedule) big brother and I did some editing. So writing would have been better, but since there were only a few hours available we figured we might as well do something useful and a little less intense.

Luckily the weather wasn’t a scorcher, but it wasn’t really cool either. I worked up a proper sweat through the entire procedure and definitely had my exercise going up and down stairs, in and out buildings, streets and alleys. Yep. Who needs a gym with a job like this. Hah.

My dogs were, naturally, upset when I finally got home to pass out on the bed. Seriously, Mosha went bonkers trying to jump on my arms, Knight II tried the same and almost threw me on the ground in the process. Amri disappeared into the yard (they’d been in my cabin for a couple of hours) after one pat only, and Chaos barged into me like a proper tank. Bommel, blind as he is, did locate me upon entering, and rubbed himself against me like a cat for several minutes. Then he got tired and curled up on his cushion. Half an hour after coming home, I did the same.

Five hours later it was back on the road for me to do the village part of the route. My most recent locations are doing pretty well I’ve got to admit. Several were all gone, which should do well with the distributor/owner of the paper.
Luckily the village route (found three more locations btw) only takes a couple of hours, and big brother was nice enough to drive me, meaning I could hop in and out without bothering with parking and such. Such a relief.

Afterwards we rushed to town to the car sales place, but…yes, you’re guessing it, the Astra needs a new pump and he didn’t have any other car to loan to us while they’re looking at the Daewoo. He asked for an hour, but when we got back (decided to use it for searching that last spot of my route), meaning we have to got return tomorrow morning, again, when we go pick up our friend in Marbella.

Gawd, it’s been a busy couple of days. Well, I’ve got a gate to finish, maybe some wood to pile, being with the dogs and then ponder how much still needs to be done before the rainy season starts. *sigh*

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