
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Two losses in one morning.

Song of the day: “Wacka Wacka” by Shakira. Strange that I have this particular song in me head today. Not at all appropriate unless you change the lyrics into whacky whacky…because the past couple of days have been THAT.

I’ll tell you why: (If you can’t stand bad news, don’t read to the end, ‘cause I need to go over the full routine just to get it out myself.)

Yesterday started like any other; I got up, went through the morning rituals, got to the house to hang laundry and devour coffee and then headed down into the yard with big brother because we would be unable to water the plants in the evening. Considering the Land Rover’s still at the garage, as well as the Daewoo Matiz, there was no choice but to do the route in the loaner. Seriously, you do not want to have to get in and out of an Opel Astra a hundred times or so. Gawd, it’s like I’ve done four hours of squats.

But anyway, since the Astra was the only option, big brother had the brilliant idea of going with me, saving me a lot of time getting in and out of the car, parking, etc. since he would do the driving. Sweet, ain’t it? Ah well, no problem there, it was an arrangement easily made for us.

So we were about to have brunch up in the old paddock…we’d taken about two hours in the yard…when Knight II (the arsehole) decided it would be a good idea to grab Fortuyn (pointer) by his throat and toss him around a bit. Seriously, I thought there’d be dying involved, but luckily it was only a flesh wound, for which we immediately headed to the vet. Though the young vet was going to try, she doubted she would have him done in time for us to pick him up again that evening.

Seeing as I had to meet my main distributor at five, it was all very last-minute-arrangements. So we got to town in time…talked to the distributor about a possible second route, none to late either, considering he was interviewing someone else that very afternoon, but he appears to see merit in the idea, so we’ll talk about it either on the phone the next few days, or next week.

After yesterday, big brother and I have decided to do the route together, however, seeing as it shaved a full hour off in the end. If we had actually started on the right time, we would have been home at midnight. (Missed the Land Rover like mad, by the way. So much better.)

But anyway, we had just about finished loading up the Astra when the phone rang. It was the vet informing me that we could come and pick up Fortuyn who was all done. This meant another hour driving back to the village, picking him up, doing the village route since we were there anyway (otherwise we would have had to do it in the morning), which took another hour.

We brought Fortuyn back home, rushed to the bathroom, took another bottle of ice water and then headed back to town. (Gawd, I am so looking forward to when we’ve got the cars back.)
Didn’t get back to town until eight thirty at which time we had to do town itself and then finally head out onto the official route.

We missed two turns, found the very last location as well, and were done at two in the morning. Yay. So, there are some seriously strange people I meet on my route. If I’d written about them in my books I would be afraid that they’d be too…I don’t know, theatrical, I guess. I would be hesitant to go in the extremes of those I meet in this rather touristy area with clubs and bars aplenty where a pint too many is quickly drank. Seriously, I had no idea that complete stranger will call you angel, love, sweet stuff, sweetness and whatnot. Heck, I felt like a friggin’ teen. I wonder if maybe I look younger than I am. Or maybe it’s the clothes. Had on floppy jeans with a linen top today…and my baseball cap, of course. At the end of the evening it got cold, by the way, so the next time I will probably be adding a hoody or a vest.
Came past several location where they were smoking pot, by the way. Jeez that stuff is potent in its scent.

Be that as it may, once we’ve got the route down pat, we should be able to get it all done in record time, allowing for a second route, which should go a ways in paying for some of them veterinary bills.

Which brings us back to this morning, the whacky whacky, you know? It ain’t pretty, I assure you. I woke up sore as heck, hurting in many places, least of which my foot. The friggin’ Astra didn’t help much in that regard, I assure you. There at the end it felt like I was walking on glass again, so it was a good thing big brother was there to do some of the walking for me on the way back.

So, this morning…I’ve gotta stop procrastinating, ‘cause I’m going to have to write it down at some point anyway. We’ve lost two dogs: Not ONE but TWO, which I’m going to have to explain, don’t I?

Strangely it is not the dog that got hurt yesterday, instead this morning when big brother let the main pack out of the patio, Prama and Tadaika (crossbreeds with pit bull in them) decided it fun to jump on Camera (Golden Retriever) which resulted in her premature death. We are still not entirely sure what happened, it literally happened in a second so I suspect she broke her neck (those two crossbreeds are so incredibly strong). Not a good way to start the day, and incredibly shocking. This has never happened before. Sure we’ve had the occasional fight, a little rip in the skin here and there, but never anything this severe.

Of course Prama has been a problem for quite some time. We have been paying close attention to her, having made an agreement that if she ever crossed the line of what is “just fighting a little” we would have to put her down…which is why we are now two dogs short.
This, of course would not do, and since Prama is always the one who instigates the fight, at which her sister Tadaika joins in quite cheerfully, we had to make that horrid decision, to which every part inside you screams objection.

Seriously, having a sick dog put down is an entirely different thing from having to put a physically well dog down for aggressive behavior. It goes against the every grain, and yet it had to be done. Luckily the vet realized the same and agreed without demur to our decision once we had explained what had happened.

Which concludes this rather miserable beginning of the day. I am REALLY looking forward to getting down to some serious physical labor, because just sitting somewhere thinking about it is not going to help at all. So I’m outta here. Let’s hope I have better stuff to write about the next time because this really isn’t very cheery, is it?
Ah well, such is life, I guess. It’s got its ups and downs.

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