
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Friday, November 5, 2010

Playing games? No thanks.

Song of the day: “Barrowland Ballroom” by Amy MacDonald. Love that one, so cheerful and fun, but then, I like a lot of her stuff.

So I made a list of stuff I did these past couple of days, but since I messed up the list some how everything just crisscrossed together. I don’t have a clue as to the sequence, so I am not even going to bother. I’ll just write them down at random and you’ll have to think of a proper timeline yourself.

First off, big brother has been working on the moped a lot, preparing the thing for grandpa’s use, as in attaching a hook for his backpack and welding a frame on the back where he has attached a big crate for transporting little amounts of groceries. Almost done now, and I think he is looking forward to it. Yesterday afternoon we also went to the insurance company to arrange for an insurance, so we’re now waiting for the company to confirm at which time the moped will be taken into use. Yay.

Started the morning making Pumpkin soup. It worked out absolutely grand, I tell you. I am as of now stuffed with the meal of bread and soup. I’ve gotta say that these particular home grown pumpkins work really well for soup, if I do say so myself. I’ve added a leek from the yard, basil, oregano, onion, chives, one zucchini and some other spices…oh, and cheese which makes it downright delicious.
Made enough for yesterday as well, by the way.

This morning was also spent at our storage facility (fancy words for shed, really, hah) looking for windows to put in what will soon be tenant’s little solarium. And also a terrace door for in my office. The window we took out during the summer really doesn’t suffice, so we’re putting in a door that will allow easy passage for the dogs in the evenings. That way my pack doesn’t need to barge through the rest of the pack with a lot of noise. It ‘ll be less stressful to say the least.

Yesterday afternoon, even though I was in a bit of a hurry, I put together a shelving closet for mom. What with all her fabrics for quilting and such, it really was necessary to put up something big, but what with all the preparations already seen to in the carport it took me less than an hour to set it up.

I rushed through getting changed and whatnot because we had to bring our friend back to Marbella (there was a traffic jam there, by the way) and then go past that Indian restaurant I mentioned before. They were interested in advertising…well. It was an experience, I’ll tell you that much. It almost felt as if I was back in India, really. Boy, they do like to haggle at the restaurant. Started spinning the words around, over and over, until they all agreed that I had informed them wrong. Well, they wanted me to put it before me boss, their offer that is, and I will. It is neither here nor there really, so far all they’ve cost me is time and for now, I don’t mind, but seriously. What is it with the haggling. They can bash the paper and complain about the distribution all they want; like I said, multiple times, the pricing is not up to me.

Ah well, we’ll see how that goes next Monday. I am of a mind to give them a solid scolding, and maybe I will. I don’t like playing games, and if they do, business between us is over, I’m thinking.

I think I was a bit tired yesterday, because I really wasn’t in a good mood last night when it was time for me to start writing on the book. Did manage three pages of writing to add to the six page edit from the night before (I was even more tired then, and barely civil, hah), but otherwise we have reached a bit of standstill book wise. That too will pass, sure.

I do have a rather splendid idea to make this blog thing a bit more interesting, by the way. It has been playing through my mind for quite a bit, but I still need to work out the specifics. Think Mike Rowe and his “Dirty jobs”. Awesome show, and for my blog a little less…hmmm, dirty?

Both today and yesterday tenant and I calmly walked down to my terrace where she could sit in the sun for a bit. She didn’t think she would manage (on both occasions) but she did and was glad for it afterwards. Heck, last night she even walked back.

Well, those are about it for me. Except for suddenly, I don’t really understand why, I have been involved in group mails from the office. First nothing, and now several a day. Most peculiar, in particular since a lot of them are just repeats. Hah. Ah well, big brother is impatient for us to get started so I better wrap this up.

There: all wrapped up. Hah.

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