
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, July 14, 2011

Bye bye, Dhiti

Song of the day: “I hope you dance” by LeeAnn Womack. It’s been popping up in my head every so often for the past couple of days, and I gotta admit that I like the attitude of the song. I try to apply it myself most of the time: When you have the chance, dance. If you have the chance, love. If you have the chance, LIVE! Not much use to not doing it, since you’re here anyway. Might as well make the best of it and got for the full 110 percent, eh?

Okay, enough philosophizing, let’s get the rest of the stuff down. I seriously overslept this morning, which wasn’t smart, since there was a lot to do, but if you don’t hear the alarm, you don’t hear the alarm, blast it.

Bad news first: 12/13 year old Dhiti (gray husky) was getting to be too sick, so big brother and I took her in the car this morning and brought her to the vet. As expected, seeing as she wasn’t eating or drinking well for several days, she was dehydrated, emaciated, and clearly not in the mood to face life much longer. We got Dhiti together with her sisters Samah and Puma, and brothers Tadaika I and Akata, from a breeder who either had to have the entire litter put down, or find a home for them. We took them, and haven't regretted it since. Such wonderful huskies. Independent, affectionate, yet very much their own to speak. There is dignity in Huskies, and in this litter it was stranger than most. They were small for their kind, though. Now only Akata and Samah remain. For Dhiti the dreaded decision was made this morning, and she passed away almost the moment the syringe was inserted into her vein. She went peacefully (her head in my hand and her nose against my shirt), and gracefully, which is all we can ask for in the end I would say.

Later, I heard from middle sister that one of the chinchillas passed away during the night as well, leaving us with only one of them. Poor little one, the last of five, I do hope that we’ll be able to find a better home for him in the near future, the little bugger deserves a boss who’ll be able to take him out of the cage every now and then.

Well, enough bad news. What else...

There was, as always gardening. Yanking out weeds, harvesting veggies and watering plants, duh.
Yesterday was carpentry day for me, thank you very much. It was wonderful, even though the weather was extremely toasty and the sun on full blast. In this case Dani and I worked in the lower half of the yard, putting up the constructions for the raspberries plants. What with the poles I put in several months ago, and grandpa preparing all the slats since then, we managed to put five sections in place, which creates a rather pretty “constellation” down there (yes! I’ll take pictures, jeez) where, with a little luck, we’ll be able to pluck raspberries or blackberries in the future.

There was a writing session right in the middle of construction, mind you, seeing as the day was hot and there might be a possibility of not being able to get any writing done later in the evening. Got down several good pages (big brother has started on the first edit btw) before the sun began to drop (and supper was eaten) and we went back into the yard. Finished the berry construction, and yes it is even more pretty than I had imagined.

Which made getting to the yard this afternoon a rather pleasant experience...but I’m getting ahead of myself. First this morning. Like I said, I overslept, so I have been trying to catch up on the day most of the hours afterwards. Quickly folded laundry, went to the vet for Dhiti, of course, and then had to take the Opel to the city for a garage appointment. Not only for the Opel, but also for a little cap on the wheel of the Land Rover that we lost the other day.

The stupid Opel Astra is have having a problem with its cooling system, meaning that after two days we have to refill the little tank. While the Land Rover got his cap on in less than half a minute, the Opel had to stay behind so the mechanics could try to figure out what the problem was. I got a call a few hours ago, before closing time, that they still hadn’t figured it out, btw. Darn it.

Afterwards we headed for the hardware store for varnish for my future floor and light bulbs (the expensive politically correct ones, mind you. Stupid law), then to the supermarket for orange juice and butter milk, and picking up tenants new armchair. It looks so cute, and it fits perfectly in her new room. Oh, did I mention her room is as good as done now? Well, it is. There’s light all over and she loves, it. Phew. What a relief!

By the time we got home it was the middle of the day and while supper was suddering I just barely managed to gather my wits enough to write a couple of pages. Got a whopping total of 35.000 words, which means that I’m going to have to start being careful now about what scenes I’m writing and how much words they use up. The limit is rapidly approaching...well, not yet, but 20K is in there within no time at all. Soon the book will be done, and I’ll be back to friggin’ edits. *sigh*

Well, I better get back to it then. There’re stories to write, an imperial to admire...oh did I fail to mention that big brother is adding a small platform to stand on and a ladder to the Land Rover’s imperial? Well, he is and it’s looking marvelous.
Gotta go see.

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