
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, July 4, 2011


Song of the day: “What’s a woman” by Vaya Con Dios. I heard it this morning on VH1 and it has been going through my head ever since. Ah, the good old days.

Let’s get to it. I feel a little shaky at the moment, considering I just had a massive scare. Silly me had intended to put my computer on standby while we moved up to the terrace in front of my cabin, rather than the one by the basin, and forgot to save the two pages that I’d written in the two hours down there in the fresh summer breeze. Aaaaargh!!! Seriously, I haven’t made a mistake like that since I lost seventeen pages of “A Deadly Legacy” in ‘98 due to a power outage. Gawd! What a horrible feeling. Even now, my hands are still trembling. I know, it is a weird thing to get upset about, but even though you’d think that you can just rewrite the pages, it just won’t ever be the same again. Somehow you just always keep stumbling over “that lost scene”. Really frustrating. *sigh*

But anyways...for the past two days I’ve been friggin’ sore from the six hour tiling spree, which was followed by the two hour grouting spree, which then was again followed by today’s six hour tiling spree. Seriously, there was a change in plans at the last possible moment, meaning that I couldn’t use the already picked-and-ready earth-red tiles for the finishing edge of tenant’s bedroom. Instead I had to head back to the storage to find out if we could use something else. I ended up working with the last few spotted gray, and light yellow tiles of the floor. This of course meant that I had to measure and cut every single tile in the right size, and then make sure that the finished decorative edge was pointing outward. Have you any idea how much cutting and measuring you have to do on four whole tiles and about six damaged and broken ones to fill a four inch ledge that is about twenty feet long? Well, it took six hours, so, blegh. Luckily it looks good, because otherwise I would be seriously Poed.

Which reminds me, yesterday’s grouting went well. It only took a relatively short time and it really did make the floor look like a whole. The small error I made during laying was still there, but on the overall the whole looks good. Of course the grout work won’t be white for long. It never is. Have you any idea how hard it is to have anything white while you love with several scores of dogs? Impossible! I mean it.

Cooking wise, yesterday was relatively simple. Left over sauce hollandaise mixed with left over pasta and fresh veggies. Nutritional and tasty. Can’t ask for more can you? Today, on the other hand, was an absolute treat. Though I was feeling a tad harried (due to being behind on everything) I did manage to put together a nice batch of baked red beats with potatoes, onion and cheese. Seriously, we ate our way through the entire pan and left only traces of red for the dogs to lick off. Hah. It was delicious, and since it was seven and my breakfast was at eleven, I was friggin’ starving.

While I did the cooking, and before that finished up tiling, and helping tenant to the pool for a dip before she walked down with me (didn’t get there until past six) all refreshed and up for dinner until caregiver returned from her day job.

Yesterday afternoon was spend shaving Nata (golden retriever) who’s now that he’s getting older, less capable of keeping himself clean—strangely enough, we have noticed that as soon as dogs get old, or sick, their fur no longer stays clean. Perhaps it’s a lack of grooming, but I think there is more to it—meaning that we had to do something about the mess on his thighs and chest. So he looks like a badly trimmed poodle at the moment, but at least he’s a lot more comfortable.

I did finally get around to taking my winter sweaters from my wardrobe and stuff them in the storage box under my bed, but I still have horizontal surfaces covered with clean laundry that I really have to put away soon.

This morning I also finally got around to doing some cleaning in the house again. Seriously, in there all the vertical surfaces are the problem. Hah. This morning I rediscovered the redness of the kitchen drawers, the transparency of the glass doors of the storage closet, and that the corners of the house are indeed square...or so the sudden disappearance of spiderwebs showed me. Hah. Afterwards I managed a quick rub-down of the washing machine and the flat surfaces around it. Phew. Glad that is over again.

Took Knight II and Chaos along for a dip in the pool too, since the latter is really bothered by the heat. Chaos was downright uncomfortable during the night. He was crying and didn’t quiet down until I dragged him onto the bed and allowed him to lie in the stream from the fan.
So anyway, I took him and Knight II into the pool. Chaos went into the water like the amphibious tank he is, and when I called Knight II, he took two steps down the stairs (staring at me wide-eyed) and then leaped until his front paws almost speared me. Jeez. I just barely managed to dodge, and then he spent the next two minutes demanding that I keep him in my arms like the puppy he really isn’t. *snort* Seriously, he’ll pull all fours to his body and float against me for eternity if I don’t order him out of the water...looking all insulted, of course. Hah. Idiot!

Be that as it may, I’m going to try to get back into the writing spirit now that the scared-shakes of almost loosing two pages (only lost a few paragraphs after big brother go involved and discovered an unexpected backup hidden in a folder somewhere) and then call it a day.

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