
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Rainy weekends...slow!

Song of the day: “If I were a boy” by Reba McIntire. Wonderful cover of this song, and though Beyonce doesn’t do it bad, I think I like Reba’s version best.

This is going to be a boring blog, seeing as it has been raining rather badly, off and on for about two whole days and there really isn’t all that much to tell…except maybe during the biggest downpour yesterday afternoon where it came clear that we hadn’t finished grandpa’s little roof in time. There was so much of it that it filled up the roof and came pouring down on all sides. This meant that big brother had to pretend being support beam while I ran back and forth through the rain getting supports and slats to keep the lot up. The water came up to my ankles, thank you very much.

Did have an eye-roll moment during the entire thing. I went to the carport to get grandpa, and when I told him what was going on, he kept repeating: “I told you, told you, told you,” in that annoying tone that has absolutely no use in moments like that, and when we full well knew that, but simply didn’t have the time to finish it, prior to the rain. Hah. Ah well, we got the supports up now, so it’ll hold until the weather dries out again.

Workout yesterday morning (none today, thank you very much. Too cold and wet) was a chilly venture, where standing still wasn’t wise, since it would cool you off in five seconds flat, getting goosebumps to break out all over. Despite that, workout didn’t go bad at all.

Checking the garden was oddly reassuring, considering this kind of weather makes me want to crawl up the walls and howl at the moon, or something…or am I now just messing up my metaphors? Well, whatever. I’ve had enough water for now, thank you very much. The weather Gods can take a bloody vacation and give me back my sunshine. Grrr.

The dogs are not enjoying the wetness either. By the time the wood stove goes on, they will cluster around it (like us whiners) and literally go up to it with only an inch to spare. Seriously, you should see Sitabah. She is sitting in front of it right now, her eyes drooping and her body tight and languid at the same time while she lets the waves of heat roll over her. Same goes for the others who are lying on their blankets, fully enjoying the rolling heat.

I worked on tenant’s embroidery frame yesterday, seeing as there wasn’t much we could do outside once I got into dry clothes. Sanded the wood, made the metal clamp around it, and put an old blouse in it, with a patch to see if tenant wanted to fiddle with it. I’m not sure she’s going to try it much, but we’ll see. Gotta try it anyway. Besides, if she doesn’t like working with it, I’ll have a frame myself. Hah.

Started the edit early in the afternoon, and got into a heated argument about sentence structure again. Big brother likes to go the well-travelled road when it concerns writing, while I like to take a bit of risk every now and then, hah. It can lead to fierce conflicts…luckily I didn’t feel the need to conk him on the head this time.

Decided to finish the day with a movie. “The final cut” with Sam Elliot. Such a cute little movie, and it keeps being nice. They don’t make ‘m like that anymore, do they?
It did make me late getting to bed, so I slept little over five hours last night, darn it. Knew I needed a nap today, even as I got up to start on the day.

So what was today? Making zucchini soup over breakfast of course, which followed the usual session of laundry hanging and hot coffee. Laundry is a science in this kind of weather. What with laundry for seven people, you gotta fill every single line to full capacity to get everything hung in hopes that it will dry enough for your to rotate the new batches. Luckily I’ve had lots of practice. Hah.

That done, I did some sorting in the storage area. Would have liked to haul stuff around, but since the rain kept going, that didn’t happen. Instead I went down to the greenhouse to check the plants for bugs, and water the raised seedbed. Knight II took the opportunity to run around like a lunatic and almost bowled right over me in his enthusiasm. Seriously, you do not get in the way of a Great Dane when he’s enthusiastic. Strangely enough, it gets Dax excited as well, and he’ll get Knight II riled up even more, making being around them a tad dangerous.
Luckily Gada knows this, and stays carefully out of the way in these moments.

But anyway, the soup ready, macaroni was boiled for supper, while I chatted a little with tenant and then headed down to my cabin for some cleaning up. My bathroom needed a scrubbing, and since big brother was busy with the computers (one of the fans gave the spirit, blasted things! Can’t even handle an inch or two of dust) I put away the piles and piles of clean laundry that I’d been stacking on top of my horizontal surfaces for the past month or so. *sigh* Glad to be able to see those surfaces again, even though they are dirty, meaning that I’ll have to spend another few hours in there cleaning them in the near future. *double sigh*

That done I did some sewing. First my jeans. The dogs got their teeth in it, so I had to fix the waistband and one of the belt loops. I had also wanted to fix one of my bed sheets, but Knight II and Chaos ruined that one good by removing a square foot or so. Mom is going to see if she can put a new piece of fabric in it. She and the younger sibs came back from a successful market day, and she sat in the carport with us for a bit while the sibs put away what couldn’t stay out in the rain. Those dog baskets are going like fresh bread, really.

There was supper made by big brother, and then some more sorting in the carport followed by that much anticipated nap. Didn’t drop off well, however, seeing it was so nippy. The temperature dropped below 45 in fact, and I wasn’t appreciative of that fact. My fingers and toes felt frozen, despite my ski boots…by now I’ve warmed up a little from the stove though. Yay.

Well, this will be it for today, I guess. Sorry that I have nothing scintillating to tell, but life is just that, life. Nothing glamorous, it just IS.

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