
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Birthday pie!!!

Song of the day: “Perhaps perhaps perhaps” by Doris Day. Also had several other songs tumbling around in this messy brain of mine, but let’s face it, for as far as my brain is concerned, yesterday might as well be ten years ago. *sigh*

But no matter, it’s been a busy couple of days and since I thought to take my diary out with me, I can just check everything off while I write this.

First off, there is of course, always the edit. I know this is starting to get boring, but there you have it, ‘tis an innate part of my life and I wouldn’t change that part of it for anything. Admittedly big brother and I get into quite fierce debates about this one, and for the life of me I can’t imagine why this is the case. Sure, we had the same problem with Saving Nina, but with AIL we had hardly any trouble. Perhaps it has to do with the plot, more than anything.

Anyway, let’s see what I can write about yesterday. I spent a lot of time with tenant again, seeing as caregiver was at her other job, but tenant was in good spirits, so we got to chat and sing as we made our way down the mountain to the basin terrace. There she spent the majority of the early afternoon, reading, cutting veggies, and napping, as she is prone to do a lot this time of year.

During breakfast I made dough for pie, seeing as mom’s birthday is today, hah. It meant making dough in the morning, peeling apples around two in the morning and putting the dough in the pans, and preparing everything for the morning. They went into the small oven this morning, and right now, tenant and I are waiting for cousin Ed to whip up some cream as bring us a piece. Yay. I love apple pie! In particular when there are walnuts, almonds, raisins, coconut shavings and some apricot jelly in it. Gawd, I just had supper, and already my mouth is watering again, darn it.

As appears to become the habit at the moment, we’re peeling our supper potatoes during breakfast these days, or else we just don’t have enough time to get it all done. But we had our very first Filderkraut cabbage yesterday (sweeter than normal white cabbage) together with freshly harvested broccoli and the first try at using our own cheese. I was a tad disappointed (I’m really not much of a fan of soft cheeses) but everyone else like it, so it doesn’t really matter.

As for the majority of activities both yesterday and today was work in the yard. We’re clearing a new, wild section of the garden, which we plan to cultivate into a produce section. It’s taking some effort, in particular since we used to dump garden waste in that particular spot in the past. The entire incline is filled with old bougainvillea branches, dead Broom plants, and more Morning Glory vines than anyone ever should be require to battle. Hah. It is shaping up nicely, actually, and we’re revealing quite a bit of good soil down there. Once we get some serious rocks hauled down there, to create some terraces, it should do fine for veggies.

Did have to take out at least fifty strawberry plants for it. They’re on the terrace we’re expanding, and there’s at least double that amount of plants still standing there. We’re going to have so many strawberries at some point…if they all survive that is.

In the afternoon we headed out to a plant nursery and got our order of fruit trees. It took two years of saving, but now we are about to ad seven more citrus trees to our collection of fruit trees, two cherry trees, two nectarines, one peach, and three apples. Sure, they’re not in place yet, but we’ll get them in place before summer. Hah.

This morning we had to treat both Njanna’s and Carla’s ears. Both have a rather fierce infection going there, so for the next few weeks, we’re going to try to clean the mess several times a week in the hopes of battling the problem. Poor darlings hated it, but we popped them both a pain pill and hardened our hearts. It had to be done.

Gawd, eating pie now. Yummy! And blasted dogs also like it. “Get away, this is mine!!!” Ya gotta be fast round these parts. “Get. Off. The. Table, Dax!”

Both today and yesterday involved watering the plants, of course. It takes about an hour, and since I’d already opened up and watered the greenhouse and seedbed, (popped on down between laundry and breakfast) I could start immediately after getting tenant settled. In the meantime big brother and grandpa already continued with clearing the terrace.

I still need to varnish my doorway between my cabins. Just didn’t have the time today, darn it. Ah well, some other day.

Okay, that’s it for today. I still need to head out to pick up a donation, so time’s a bit short. Gotta go.

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