
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

A shorty

Song of the day: “Don’t marry her” by The Beautiful South. The not-so-clean version. Hah.

I’m drawing some terrible blanks here. I hate it when that happens. I’m sure I was pretty darn busy the past couple of days but my thoughts keep flitting in and out of cognitive memories. *sigh*

Well, I do remember lots of gardening. Yep. There was that, and for the next week or so there will be more of that for sure. For the most part my activities involved watering of the fields, along with harvesting broccoli, chickweed, kale and a nice batch of tomatoes from the greenhouse. Tomatoes are starting to do extremely well now, thankfully. Same goes for the chard inside the greenhouse for that matter.

Planted a field of onions, three kinds in fact, and did most of it barefoot, if you must know. Of late I’ve been experiencing some serious discomfort from those insoles. Feels like some sort of cramp at the bottom of my foot, so I’m trying to wear them less at the moment. The bare feet is really pleasant. Nothing is quite a stimulating for the body as feeling pricks and stings to the bottom of the feet while navigating through a wild garden. My feet are far less tired at the end of the day because of it.

As to the garden work in the future; either tomorrow or the day after, we’re going to start on expanding the veggie garden. Not only a couple of fields where now the Morning Glory rages rampant over the Common Broom, old debris from the yard itself and rotting reed stems. It won’t be fun, but it should be worth the effort once we get it all cleared away.

Plans are to get more fruit trees in the near future, so we need to prepare for that as well. It won’t be cheap, but we do need to invest in the future in that regard. What with the ever increasing prices, it will be well worth it.

Edits of course. Always edits…and some planning for the next book, which is a fun way to keep the brain nimble. Got a good plot start going so far. The characters are shaping up, the baseline is running, and while working on it, individual scenes are gradually coming into existence. Gotta love writing. Despite me trying to keep it superficial because if I don’t editing is going to be pure hell. Nothing is worse than having to work on an older book while the new one is haunting you.

There was a cooking session or two, but nothing massively interesting. If food’s just food, then there really isn’t much to tell about it, is there?

Dog-wise, there’s going to be some changes. Rather than feeding them in the afternoon we’re going to try to feed them in the morning. We wanna check if that would bring up their energy levels, and if it will make the old timers function better.
Though the new pain pills appear to work well enough, just barely, Gada is not doing as well as I would like her to be. She appears less happy, and getting up is getting to be harder every day. Poor sweetie. I don’t see it improving, and that is the worst thing of all.

I should have painted the passage between my cabins, but I was busy with tenant, both this morning and yesterday, meaning that it got put in the backseat, so to speak. Maybe I’ll manage to squeeze it in tomorrow…unlikely, what with the garden plans, but a girl can hope, right?

This is going to have to be it for today. I’m running behind, and despite the fact that I already did some edits earlier today, I would like to get another page or two done tonight.
Oh wow, basically only one page in the blog today. Success at last. Hah

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