
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, June 16, 2012

Change in plans...yay!

Song of the day: “This woman’s work” by Kate Bush. Had it before, will have it again, I’m sure. Good song, though, so no matter.

I’m running way behind. The days just seem to be too short, and I find I’m incapable of getting everything I want to do done, darn it.

But anyway, good news first (for me good news anyway). There has been a change in plans on the writing front. Yes, yes, yes! After long deliberation and a shared dislike for the plot based story, big brother and I came to the agreement to start on a different story, rather than the one we’ve been struggling with for the past four or five days. Seriously, that many days, ten pages of data, and nothing to show for it with any actual writing. I was getting downright depressed, and while we were watering the plants last night, we decided to just ditch the primary plan and go with something a little more stimulating. Gawd, I’m so happy. I wrote three pages this very afternoon, and already inspiration is bubbling up in my head demanded to be unleashed. I started with a dream scene, and it plays in the late 1800s, so there’s plenty of atmosphere to work with. I love it. Just writing those few pages, had me go through five “Oh, I had no idea that was going to happen” moments. LOVE IT. Hah. Even now I’m regretting the fact that I have to write this blog, otherwise I could have done another piece right now. But okay, there’s fun and there’s a promise I made to myself some odd four years ago about doing this blog thing. Hah. There will be more writing days, I assure you. We’re going for a 100.000 word book, so I’ll have plenty of space to let my imagination go bonkers.

Okay, let’s get down to business. Yesterday, after the usual chores in the morning, including feeding the dogs, it was out to town to pay for the Opel’s insurance. Gawd, that made a fine dent in our savings…and then we’re not even talking about the electrical bill we will be getting some day soon. Yep, after four years of estimates that were about half the real price, we’ll be getting a real one because the meter guy arrived. *sigh* The power company here in Spain is really bonkers, in case you’re wondering. They just send you too low bills (probably to save on having to pay the meter guy, or something) and then suddenly slam you with a bill a mile higher.

There were a handful of groceries to get, but then we were rushing back home to get started on the day. Around one in the afternoon I got down to the basin terrace where I first spent about half an hour cleaning up the field kitchen. It was a bloody mess, and the dishes were a mile high, so it was really necessary.
That done, we did some Spanish, which, for some inexplicable reason didn’t go at all well yesterday. *sigh*

No matter though, right after we got to work on the thriller, but ended up displeased with all the data cluttering up the getting to know our characters. So, while watering, we had the big discussion and ended up deciding that enjoying what we’re writing is just as…if not more important than anything.

Was a little late getting to bed again, which meant I wasn’t my best this morning while going through the morning chores. Next it was time to go down for Spanish, and getting a simple plot written down. Did just that, and started writing. By the time I had to stop (an hour and a half, at most) to make supper, (cauliflower, broccoli and pasta with a cheese sauce) I was psyched about the progress made. This is the part about writing that I absolutely love. Creation. I tend to forget that part after editing for a solid five months or so. *sigh*

Little brother is going to go out for his exams on Monday, the day before his b-day, and he is mighty nervous. So afraid of not passing that he’s making it harder on himself than he has to. Ah well, nothing to change about that. He’s working hard enough to make it, so it should be fine.

The dogs are loving the change of the new fences that allow them to join us on the terrace. All afternoon they’ll be at our feet, snoring on occasion and basically just making a nuisance of themselves. In particular when I start cooking, I’ll have about ten of them getting in my way. Hah.

Tenant joined us again today, and she seemed happy sharing the cool spot. In fact, it was so cool that she asked for a more sunnier spot where she thoroughly enjoyed the heat for a good hour before she settled at the table to help by cutting veggies.

There was watering, and harvesting, and then we hung a cupboard in the field kitchen that grandpa made so we can store food away from the dogs and rodents. It took a moment, but by the time we were done there still was the dog food to cut and then heading out for a jog with Knight joining in (by jogging. Silly dog is just too big. I’m running flat out and he’ll be trotting along calm as you please. Sooooo mean!) and seemingly enjoying the exercise. I did better than the last time. Managed some full out running, a steady jog, and a fast clip walk up the steep incline. Not bad.

The rest of the dogs were mightily upset when we got home, but settled down fast enough, once we got the computers on and got to work on the last stretch of the day.

Okay, that’s it. Gotta go. I’m starving!

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