
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Some groceries

Song of the day: “I want it that way” by The Backstreet boys, of course. Hah. Boy, has it been a while since I had those fellas spinning through my head. Then I am of course not talking about the song I had in my head this morning when I woke up this morning. *Looks around furtively, whispers* “I wanna be a millionare” by Travie McCoy. Had to look that up, by the way. Heard it on Radio Gibraltar, and though I don’t like it all that much, it does stick in my head every now and then. Hah.

So I’m getting way too little sleep at the moment. I know, I shouldn’t be whiny about it and just get to bed early, but sometimes, well, time just gets away from me sometimes and I can’t help it. Take yesterday evening, for instance, we were doing research on climate, population, culture and whatnot for the next book, and before you know it, it was three in the morning. (Blast it!) Research has a way of taking me off to other places. *sigh* Added to that, big brother was printing parts of the package we’re sending out soon, so that took a load of time as well.

I’m getting ahead of myself however. Caregiver was at her other job, so tenant was waiting for me when I came up. Helped her change, and then asked what she wanted to do. Since she hadn’t slept well the night before, she was convinced she wasn’t going to make it. Then, when I reminded her that last night she did sleep well, she agreed to come along to the basin terrace for the day. We walked down singing Doris Day songs, and she wasn’t at all tired when we got there. Then during the course of the day, doing some Spanish, then reading through the query and synopsis once more, and finally working on the new book again. Yay.

There were some fierce discussions about that, by the way, in particular since this is going to be a joined operation. Opposite thoughts about plot, characters and such. *sigh* Very frustrating, but we did figure out some key elements in the end. Yay. Same counts for today for that matter, but instead of working on the plot we started on the character list. It is a slow, almost tedious process that is vital if we wanna keep track of everything.

After that tenant and I did the dishes together, followed by a clean up of the field kitchen, which was getting to be high priority. Seriously, the place was a utter mess, but about half an hour later, it started looking decidedly better. That done, it was down into the yard to water the plants and get out the day’s dog food.

The evening was cooling off nicely by than, and I was most grateful by the time we slogged up the mountain to cut the dog food for tomorrow (well, today, in this case) before sitting down for that last bit.
Like I said I was late so…let’s fast forward, shall we? Zzzzzzzzzzrrrrrrrrr….

But anyway, there was laundry to do this morning, of course, followed by the feeding of the dogs at which point we continued with the printing. Something was off with the printer, however, meaning that even as I’m writing this, big brother is trying to figure out what the heck is wrong with the darn thing.

After Spanish and work on the computer, I took a quick dip and then got changed to head on out to the city for some groceries. Added to that, our last gas bottle was set into use the other day, so we had to exchange the whole lot at the distribution center. Since in town they’re considerably cheaper than in the village we decided to connect the two chores.
Was pretty darn hot today, in town as much as at home, and the first thing I did after unloading (once at home) was head for the pool for another quick dip. Hah. That’s the definite plus of summer for me, I tell ya. The dips!

That over and done with, the doggies greeted and petted, I sat down for supper cousin Ed made, and started on the blog. Have been at it ever since. Poor me. I know, whiny. Hah. Gotta go. Already one in the morning over here. Darn it!

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