
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

Feedback at last

Song of the day: …I’m not sure. I know I had a song in my head this morning but now, for the life of me, I can’t remember it. Strange. But anyway, yesterday’s song was this new song I heard on the radio: Iyaz with Replay. Very cute. Superficial as heck, but who cares anyway. It reminds me of “It wasn’t me” by Shaggy. Hah.

Had a decent night’s rest yesterday, meaning that I wasn’t tired for a change. Yep, miracles do happen. I managed to be in bed before one in the morning. Yay!

Okay, first thing’s first. I got my official editor’s report for Saving Nina yesterday, and though I almost had a heart attack reading the first few sentences, there was enough positive stuff in the report not to have me dissolve into a puddle of misery. Yep, they know their stuff well over there at the agency where they help struggling authors like myself. Throw in enough positive, otherwise we’ll never have a return customer. Hah. But anyway, the editor seemed to be on the up and up, pointing out a few holes I’d missed and a handful of I-don’t-get-thats which I’ll need to work on. The biggest “problem” the editor pointed out was the references to the past and future in the story, which is going to be a terrible pickle. It means I will have to expand stuff that is supposed to come out in the prequel and sequels, without wrecking the plot of the others. *Phew* At the moment, thinking of that seems like I have to climb the Mount Everest for crying out loud. Better not think of that yet, eh? I’ll get to that when I get to it, or something like that. Hah.
To remain positive. I got a good response to my dialogues, action sequences, sex scenes, and pacing…as to the rest…well, it’s work in progress, I guess. For the most part I'm just glad that we finally have some idea of what the problems might be.

But enough about that. I wrote two pages today of the new book, which isn’t altogether bad, considering I’ve been massively distracted lately. I’m going to have to fit in more writing sessions when I can, because we’ll be working at Liane’s again soon. Building a cabin, installing a boiler and taking the pool away for the winter. It’s going to take some time, in particular the cabin, because according to my memory, wherever it will be put, we’re going to have to even out the ground underneath.
Another Mount Everest there, considering tomorrow is the start of market weekend again. Piles up a bit, ya know. Which is ridiculous, of course. It’s not like it’s heavy or anything, it just seems that way sometimes.

Anyways…the past couple of days.
Yesterday morning, after the morning chores and feeding the dogs, big brother and I headed for town with both cars so we could drop the Land Rover off. The shop seemed awfully full, so I anticipated that they probably wouldn’t get to our car yet…which was the case. The day passed without a single call from the receptionist, darn it. No matter, though, seeing as we were incredibly busy anyway.
When I called this afternoon I was told that they were done (the receptionist checked while I was on the phone) and that I could come pick it up…without charge. A big relief that, what with all the extra costs lately, another bill would have meant involuntary organ donation, or something. Hah.

While big brother and grandpa finished the roof of Sally’s cabin, (gawd it looks cute now. I’ve got to take a picture to show it off) I worked at the big sawing table preparing small slats of hardwood slats that I need for the restoration of the Chinese boxes. Needed to saw about thirty of them, which caused some considerable sawdust EVERYWHERE, and numb ears by the time I finally finished. *sigh*

Had to take Knight II to the vet, yesterday as well as today because she wants to keep track of his healing. It’s looking good. If I manage, by some miracle to keep him from licking the darn thing to pieces again, might actually end up with a good foot again. *sigh* The male vet was there today, by the way. He’s not quite as experienced as our usual vet, seeing as he thought it enough to put one layer of bandage on Knight II’s paw, meaning that as soon as I got home (the darn denim sock had also come loose) I had to redo the whole darn thing and put tape around it all to boot, just to keep the lot in place again. Luckily he allows it.

Knight II has been seeing a lot of civilization lately, by the way. What with me having to keep an eye on his paw, he’s going along practically everywhere (he won’t tomorrow and the day after, so big brother will have to keep an eye out) and is getting all the attention he ever wanted…or in his case not. Poor fella’s so scared, he’ll be shivering as soon as someone even looks at him, my poor darling. But he’s a hit at the garage, at the mall, and basically anywhere whenever folks see him. In fact, I’m a little afraid to walk by the street with him, seeing as folks in their car will actually look back while they’re behind the wheel. Makes me scared that the sight of him will cause an accident, or something.

As to the vet…the bills are mounting, considering both Djammi and Djoti had to go to the vet yesterday, too. *sigh* Ergo the reason for taking that extra work with building a cabin and installing a boiler.

Weather wise we’ve been having some rain during the evening and night. Nothing too impressive, just wetness, which, on the overall is a good thing for as far as we’re concerned…except that we won’t be able to go to market if it rains tomorrow. But the locals are saying that the worst of it is over now that the winds have changed, so in all likelihood we’ll be heading out tomorrow. Darn! Hah.

What else? Well, I’m still experimenting with the leather branding for the Tika Art purses. Got some nice ones going for sure, but we’re going to have to see if they go at all.
Tenant is spending a lot of time with mom down in the main house, so that’s freeing up a lot of our time. Considering she loves watching the younger sibs and mom work inside (makes her feel closer to it, I think) it works out well for everyone.

There was a cooking session, first making pattie dough this morning so we’d have food tomorrow at the market, and then tonight, after coming home from a long day in town (picking up the car, sending out a big package in the mail, looking for a particularly wonky battery for a Mac computer picking up a large donation of apples, 150 pots of tomato sauce, and, hold onto your socks, four massive chocolate mousse cakes…which the dogs can’t eat, of course, but us…jeez!) a nice batch of pumpkin to cover the patties with. Very tasty. And then the chocolate cake as dessert…not bad. Hah. That’s the first time we got something that we couldn’t resist using ourselves.

While cousin Ed and big brother loaded up the car for tomorrow, I rushed to the vet with Knight, dealt with the necessary bits and then went back home for supper and to sit down for the first time today. *sigh*

That’s it for now. I’m going to try for an early night, seeing as it looks like things are going to be busy in the near future. I’ll be back on Monday…I hope. Hah.

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