
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Wednesday, October 31, 2012

Knight's improving

Song of the day: “New York” by Alicia Keys. I never thought I would like a song by Alicia Keys, but there you have it. The one and only that sticks in my head without me hating it. Good song.

What to say, what to tell. Nothing major going on, except for the fact that Knight II had some of the tiny plastic tubes with several stitches removed today because he was looking so much better. He didn’t give a peep and when through the ordeal with stoic bravery. The darling. He’s starting to get really popular at the vet’s place, I think. Both the vet and her assistant are starting to use baby talk on him. Which reminds me. The vet assistant is going to leave for Madrid to join her family there, which is a pity, seeing as she is very pleasant to have working with our dogs. Ah well, times change, and so does everyone, I guess.
Be that as it may, I won’t have to go to the vet tomorrow for a bandage change. Yay! In particular since (unless it pours) we’re going to work at Liane’s tomorrow, starting on that balcony. I made some drawings, allowing us to visualize it a little.
We have the sand loaded, bricks, cement and tools, so we should be all set tomorrow. Keeping my fingers crossed on that one.

Had a rather weird dream yesterday. Got my knickers in a twist when I woke up out of breath. Seriously. In the dream I was at the market. It was a beautiful day; the sun was shining the temps were wonderful and the tent-like flaps overhead provided comfortable shade. I was walking toward our stand I saw a guys stand with Knight II. It looked like he wanted to pet him, but then he started going after the dog with a knife. I jumped into the fray before he could hurt Knight, got the knife from his hands, only to have him pull a big bread knife the tried to slash into Knight’s flank. Jeez. He just kept going and going, and I ended up grabbing his wrist and twisting it behind his back to keep him in place. I was just shouting for the cops when I woke up, like said, out of breath. *sigh* I hate dreams that vivid.

Yesterday’s trip to the vet was a near disasters. Julia, Cousin Ed’s dog, had a dislocated tooth, and she had to go along. She and Knight II don’t see eye to eye, so in order to drive together I had to put a barrier in the back of the Land Rover and put Knight there, so Ed could sit with Julia in the front seat. Luckily grandpa was along as well, since he kept the fence thing in Knight’s face whenever he tried to climb to the front.

It rained all day (yesterday), meaning that there wasn’t a whole lot we could do outside. Instead we stayed in the carport, Cousin Ed, Sally and I, working with beads. Made a whole load of necklaces for the market, just to see if there’s any interest for it.

There was supper to cook, of course. I had planned to do leftovers, but since there weren’t enough of those, I ended up making noodles and stir fry veggies the Asian way. Today we had fresh Pumpkin soup, which worked out really, really well. I love it how the butternut pumpkin tastes so very creamy.

Writing-wise things are still going slow, but steadily on. Passed the 40 page mark, and the characters are still going strong. The biggest problem at the moment is that my body seems to think that writing times means napping, because the moment I sit down, my eyes start to droop, darn it. This afternoon, while I was trying to add a couple of pages, I ended up giving up and heading for my cabin for a quick nap instead. I’m going to need my strength tomorrow after all.

Compared to the incredibly nippy day, (northern winds) crawling under the blankets for an hour was absolutely divine. The fact that we spent the majority of the afternoon up at the old horse paddock , chopping and sawing wood, didn’t help much in regard to me feeling cold. Seriously, the moment I stopped chopping wood the cold hit me in the face like a left hook. Jeez. The temps were in the low fifties, for crying out loud.
Did get a nice load of wood done, (almond wood is a biatch, by the way. Hard and twisted.) which means that for the moment we’re still set or winter weather…which if the depressing hints at a cold winter are definitely implying we’ll need a good stock.

Tenant is still spending loads of time with mom, which has her ecstatic. She does love sitting with mom. Makes her feel less self-conscious, I think.
Well that’s all for the update of the day. I’m beat, and need to get up early tomorrow morning. Gotta go.

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