
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Saturday, April 27, 2013

Knight II in trouble

Song of the day: “Rescue me” by Bell, Book and Candle. It’s an oldie, but good regardless.

Well, I’m going to start with the bad news first. The Knight is in hospital, and is now, 24 hours after he got there, still not out of the woods. *sigh* It all happened yesterday morning after they had breakfast. I’d just locked my pack up so I could go down to the house without the lot of them following me inside (I noticed Knight lying on the floor, looking up somewhat disturbed but didn’t pay much mind.) where mom showed me how middle sister made some wonderful yoga mats that she wants to try sell at the markets. It looks very nice, so I do think that they’ll work out.
But anyway, when I got back big brother was standing on my porch, asking if Knight had been in a fight. I said he hadn’t. At least not that I knew of, and went in to check what happened.
I didn’t see anything obvious, but he seemed out of sorts, and perhaps a tad stiff and swollen. I didn’t like the look at all, and called middle sister to ask what the symptoms for Angie were when she had a torqued stomach.
In the end I decided to play it safe and took him in the car to see the Vet. It was a torque d stomach, the x-ray showed, and after some debate about his chances, we did decide for the vet to operate on him, and “unknot” his stomach, so to speak. He has a 50/50 percent chance.
The operation took about an hour and a half, and I could come and visit him later in the day.

Once at home, trying not to worry, we headed into the yard where plants needed to be watered and harvests gathered. Since we were at it anyway, I also gathered some stuff for the vet and her assistant, partly because the vet was nice enough to assure me that there was absolutely no hurry for us to pay Knight’s bill. Got a variety of three veggies together which, after a quick lunch, we took along to the hospital.
Knight was awake, but not happy, in fact he was only half awake as he put his nose in my hand.
I hated leaving him there for the night, but alas, it could not be helped.
It felt infinitely strange to sleep in the bed without Knight hogging the bed, I tell ya.

Went down to see him again today, and he was out and about, basically waiting for me. I was allowed to take him for a walk and I sat with him on my lap for about half an hour, which had him sleep for a bit at least. Again leaving him behind, but I had to do some work on the computer, and spent the remainder of the afternoon working in the kitchen. I made four strawberry cheesecakes, (am going to try them at the market) and two batches of patties (also a try for the market. If anyone of you comes round there, do drop by and try them out) which took longer then I’d intended. Totally forgot to eat meat, darn it.

But anyway, I was in time at the vet’s, meaning I could take him for another walk, and then convince him to lie down and relax a bit. He’s way too lethargic, I think. I wonder if the vet put him on valium, or something, to keep him from touching his stitches. I’m going to ask tomorrow morning.

Had to pick up some veggies for the dogs, a donation, and then once we got home it was time to cook. Didn’t have time for anything elaborate, so I stuck with only veggies, which Sally had already cut. This does, of course mean that I am now starving, when it is way too late to do anything about that. Gawd!

Grandpa has been busy preparing stuff for the kitchen roof, so, with a little luck we might get round to that after Monday. Though there is a chance of rain, it is very likely that we’ll be going to market on Sunday. Well, big brother and me, anyway. Cousin Ed will be staying home to welcome tenant’s family, who’re coming over for a visit.

Which reminds me, tenant came home today, thankfully. Her urine tube was removed from her kidney. She is no longer able to have one, due to the fact that she drank too little and her age. It is now permanently damaged. Only plus is, that now the kidney stones have also halved in size. *sigh* She was in good spirits when she got home.

The first edit was finished yesterday evening, so today we started over, checking all the big changes so we can print the book out and catch all those errors that you just don’t see on the computer. I gotta say, that despite everything, we’re making good time.

Speaking of time…I need to get to bed. I’m getting way too little sleep again.

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