
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Monday, April 29, 2013

Knight home but...

Song of the day: “Crazy” by Patsy Cline, again. Gawd, I’ve got this one often, don’t I? It’s a nice one, so who gives a bloody heck.

Okay, there’s lots to tell, some of it good, some of it bad. But such is life. Can’t, and possibly, won’t change that. It’s the ups and downs that keep it interesting, doesn’t it? I'll skip the chores and gardening, both of which were par for the course.

So the good bit. Despite the fact that I had to miss the Knight all through yesterday (the vet doesn’t allow folks to visit on Sundays), today he was allowed to come home with me. Hallelujah! Poor darling was trampling in front of the door of the back room when I arrived, whimpering like the little s (120 pounds) sissy he is, and literally rammed his head into my side in an attempt to get as close as possible. He was trampling like a pony, wanting to go out, but not wanting to give up on contact, so I asked for a leash and took him out to the nearby field where he drained the lizard for a solid three minutes. *sigh*
We walked back and forth on the field for a bit, him basically keeping his cheek against my hip and basically making me trip every other step. Poor darling. I do hope he gets over this latest “I’m so insecure” phase soon, because having a Great Dane with abandonment issues is not easy in the least.
But, be that as it may, less than ten minutes later the Vet told me I could take him home, just as soon as she put a drain in his chest sutures because he developed a little bit of an infection there.

Another bit of good news is for tenant. Her family arrived on the dot yesterday and spent a nice afternoon in her company. It had her in a cheery mood, which is always a good thing. Regretfully I got a phone call in the middle of the “happy” reunion. It was mom, who was understandably upset from the news that her Cocker Spaniel Alexander had died during the course of the morning.

Poor Alexander. We’ve had him since he was a puppy, this gorgeous black and brown Cocker Spaniel and sweet to boot, so it was a hit to the entire family. And so unexpected too. Just days ago, after never having him really sick in his entire eight years of life, the vet told us only a few days ago that he was suffering from Hepatitis. When I spoke to the vet this morning she said that she knew it Sunday morning the moment she’d tested his blood. The values were off the charts, and she said that he was bleeding internally from the hep, meaning that it was only a matter of time. He was dead within two hours. Always tough, this bit. These first few days without a long term member of the pack. You’re just so used to calling out that name during feeding time, or when you go into the house, or whatever. As always I am reminded of Star Trek’s Data, who called it “missing the input” of someone or something. Very true.

But anyway, mom was upset, so big brother and I drove to the market to pick her up, rather than have her wait there until the end of the market…which reminds me, big brother and I opted to not go to the Funny Beach Marbella market due to the threat of some seriously bad weather. And boy was it bad, later in the afternoon. There were chilly winds, hail, rain and raging clouds. Very impressive. On our way home with mom our mountain looked very much like “Mount Doom” with its looming black clouds overhead.

It’s a pity we didn’t make it to our market, in particular since I had planned to try out my strawberry cheesecake and burgers there, but alas…at least I could use both the excesses for tenant’s family, who had a very nice lunch of veggie burgers and cheesecake with tea.

Cooking-wise I’ve kept it simple these past couple of days. Kale in mashed potatoes yesterday (the kale fresh from the yard just an hour prior to supper, mind you) and today, spinach with baked carrots and blank mashed potatoes on the side. All of it healthy as heck, and filling…the latter a bit too much, in fact. I’m still stuffed, darn it.

Editing. We managed twelve pages yesterday, which is a good thing because up until now we haven’t done ANY today. I’ve said it before, but seriously, there just aren’t enough hours in the day.

During a rather clear hour yesterday afternoon big brother and I managed to get something done in the kitchen. Yep, the first three roof beams are up, and it looks splendid. It’s going to be so great once we get the place done (if we ever get that far). I am already fantasizing about how the floor is going to look, and the cabinets, and the closets, and the sink, counters, shelfs…everything. *sigh* In particularly the china I've been gathering for the past few months. I want to see the end result of what's in my head, darn it.

A bit more bad news is that Sally had a charity doctor visiting today. Turns out that the doctors at the hospital failed to mention something about her last test results. Turns out that her cancer has spread like crumbs of bread. *sigh* I am most displeased about how they just "fail" to mention such things. How the heck is a body supposed to keep informed about such things. Added to the metastasis, her legs are retaining liquid, meaning that her heart isn't working properly. The fun just doesn't stop, does it?

Out of sheer necessity we had to sacrifice some precious time and go grocery shopping this morning. For the past two days we’ve been out of milk, eggs, cheese, and butter. Seriously, you don’t know how much you use that stuff until it’s gone right? Ah well, we survived, just barely. Hah. Added to that the coffee machine broke down the other day *ear piercing screech* so it’s been a trial. Luckily Cousin Ed and grandpa cleaned out a closet today and found an old coffee machine. That. Still. Works!!! Yay! I am saved.

Have been incredibly tired for the past few days. I think it has to do with the cold, really. Had a nap of an hour and a half yesterday, and then slept the night away with eight solid hours, and still I could have done a nap again today. Hah. Oh well, let’s see if I can back to bed in time again tonight, eh?

Okay, let’s see if we can get another edit done tonight. So far it’s not been going bad, but still, there’s the deadline. Shouldn’t dawdle, if at all possible. Gotta go.

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