
I can't predict when I have the time to post a new blog, but check occasionally. I'm going to try at least weekly.

Thursday, January 22, 2009

Lubika's home. Poor thing.

It was a darn cold night, close to the freezing point. Trin Trin woke me several times throughout, wanting to get on the bed and the warmth of blankets and bodies. Seeing as the other dogs feel quite the same, they keep pulling the blankets from me, making me wake up several times regardless of the monster, due to the chill. In the end I give up on the blankets, and nestle between the willing canine bodies that do an excellent job in keeping most of me warm.

I’m feeling pretty irritable by the time the alarm goes of, however, and I need to get up. I would sleep a bit longer, but knowing that I need to go out later to get Lubika from the vet, I decide to get up anyway and start on the morning rituals. I read a few pages of one of the review books, since I’m miserably short on new reading anyway, and then get dressed before heading down to the house.

No laundry, I’m glad to see, and after putting coffee in the machine I immediately set up the computer and get down to the messages and a few minor chats online.
My eyes keep falling shut, throughout. I don’t get it. I might have gotten too little sleep this night, but it’s not like this is the first time, and on the average I’ve been getting enough sleep these past few days.

I have a slight headache; apparently I cannot yet cut down on the Partenio pills that I take for that particular affliction, so tonight I will have to resume the usual doses, lest I’ll be walking around with a permanent headache again. I hate that. I had hoped to get over it by now, but apparently that isn’t so.

This thought alone doesn’t bolster my spirits at all. I try to write some, but I only manage a few paragraphs, due to the distant pounding in my skull, and finally just decide to give it up and read two or three chapters for a fantasy book I’m reviewing.

By the time sunset starts I shut the computer down and start on dinner.
Last night I decided to make vegetable nasi burgers today, so with that in mind I get to it.
Dried rice gets fried in herbs, garlic and onions, and vegetables baked in a different skillet until both mixes can be stirred together to a thick, lumpy paste.

I’m almost done with the burger base when the time to depart for the vet arrives. Middle sister and I head for the village, where we are met by the attending veterinarian, who informs us that the operation went well and that we can take Lubika home with the standard instructions for post-op treatment.

The poor Boxer is looking miserable when she is brought out and barely acknowledges me as she presses herself against middle sister for the comfort she so desperately needs. I don’t blame her, the poor thing. Besides the fact that she spent a night and a day away from her mistress, she’s more than a little sore from the spading.

We head back home, Lubika pressed tightly against middle sister throughout the drive, and hesitantly making her way into the curious pack, once we enter the house. Once the greetings with the pack are over, little sister and I start making patties from the nasi mix and roll it in breadcrumbs before baking. They’re a success, and with the large amount I’ve made, there are several quartets freezing in the freezer for meals later in the week.

It takes a while for the meal to digest, and since I am still dreadfully weary I don’t do much other than the cooking today. Though in an attempt to fight the lethargy inside me I do a few exercises during the course of the day, it seems to no avail, and I end up watching a few episodes of shows that have been recorded during the course of the week.

Big brother has the flu, mom as well, so it’s definitely in the air, which means that I have to be careful and really should get to bed early today so my immune system doesn’t get too weak to fight the bug.

I head on up to my cabin and go through the nightly routine in record time so I can call it an early night.

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